
Part A - Introduction

  1. Use and interpretation

Shuffle Rules and Regulations ("Shuffle Rules") are part of Shuffle's terms and conditions.

The Shuffle Rules apply to all bets placed on Shuffle’s markets. The Shuffle Rules consist of the following:

  • This INTRODUCTION section (Part A);

  • The GENERAL RULES (set out in Part B below);

  • The SPECIFIC SPORTS RULES (set out in Part C below – these apply to certain sports markets); and

The General Rules apply to all bets unless stated otherwise in the Specific Sports Rules. If there is any inconsistency between the Specific Sports Rules and the General Rules, the Specific Sports Rules shall prevail. If there is any inconsistency between the Market Title and either the General Rules or the Specific Sports Rules, the Specific Sport Rules shall prevail. 

For any category or market not referred to in the Specific Sports Rules (e.g. ’Novelty Bets’ or ‘Downhill Skiing’), the General Rules will apply.

Please note that there are separate Rules and Regulations for each of our Casino and Sports products. The rules governing how markets are offered, managed and/or settled are not the same for every market on each product. In certain circumstances, a bet that is settled as a winner on one product may be settled as a loser on the other product (and vice versa). Additionally, different settlement rules may apply so that, for example, bets that are a winner on one product may be settled as a dead heat or be voided on the other product. Customers must ensure that they familiarise themselves with the relevant rules that apply to the bets that they place on Shuffle’s products.

  1. Market Title

  2. The Market Title is provided for information purposes as an at-a-glance guide on how Shuffle intends to describe the market. The Market Title may also contain rules on market settlement, however it must always be read in conjunction with the General Rules and the relevant Specific Sports Rules.

  3. Whilst the Market Title may give a guide to how markets will be managed, regardless of what it says in the MarketTitle, Shuffle reserves the right to suspend any market at any time at its sole discretion, including in order to carry out necessary administration and/or to take any necessary action to protect Shuffle customers.

  4. Shuffle shall not amend the Market Title after a market has been loaded except to correct obvious errors and/or to add wording to clarify the Market Title where appropriate.

  5. In the event that Shuffle makes a Major Error with a market title, Shuffle may, at its sole discretion, suspend the market and void all bets placed.

  1. Customer Responsibility

  2. Shuffle customers should make themselves aware of all of the Rules affecting any market on which they wish to place a bet. Customers should not simply rely on the Market Title (where available) as the Market Title is unlikely to contain all of the applicable rules relating to a market.

  3. By their nature ‘Special Bets’, ‘Novelty’ and ‘Non-Specific Sports’ (eg. ‘Downhill Skiing’) markets are unpredictable and often poorly covered, so should be treated with particular caution. Customers are responsible for managing their own positions at all times in such markets. Customers should pay particular attention to the Market Title (where available) on ‘Special Bets’, ‘Novelty’ and ‘Non-Specific Sports’ markets to ensure they understand the basis on which the market will be administered and settled.

Part B - General Rules

  1. Cashout

  2. Cash Out is a feature that is offered on various betting markets at Shuffle. Cash Out is an easy way to lock in a profit, or cut your losses, without having to wait for the event to finish.

  3. If you make a Cash Out request, you will be notified whether or not your request has been successful. Your request to Cash Out is not guaranteed to be accepted and may be unsuccessful if, for example, the market suspends or the odds move before your request has been processed.

  4. If your Cash Out request is successful, a ‘success’ message will be shown and your winnings will be returned to your account.

  5. Any attempted cash out will be reversed (and your stake returned to you) where: 

    1. you cash out of a bet in a market which is later voided (e.g. due to abandonment of the applicable event); and

    2. you cash out of a bet which was placed on a “draw no bet” (or similar) basis and the relevant event subsequently ends in a draw.

  6. Cash Out requests made in-play may take longer to process because of the in-play bet delay.

  7. Cash Out may not be available at times where there is low liquidity in a market.

  8. Cash Out is not currently available on all Shuffle markets.

  9. Using Cash Out may mean you will opt out of and no longer be eligible for a particular promotion. See the terms and conditions of the specific promotion for further details.

  10. Shuffle reserves the right to reverse the settlement of a Cash Out if the bet or a market is settled in error (for example, due to a human or technical error) or if the bet or a market is subsequently declared void. If Shuffle resettles a bet, this may lead to amendments being made to a customer's balance to reflect changes in bet settlement.

  11. Shuffle reserves the right to suspend or disable the Cash Out feature at any time.

  12. Please be aware that if you place a bet with the intention of subsequently using the Cash Out function, there can never be a guarantee that Cash Out will be available (this is the case regardless of whether or not the unavailability of the Cash Out service is due to a matter beyond our reasonable control).

  13. Shuffle reserves the right to remove a customer’s ability to use the Cash Out feature, or to nullify any use of such feature, in the event of misuse or any other breaches of these Terms of Service. This ability is used at Shuffle’s sole discretion. 

  1. Markets Turning In-Play

  2. If a market is not scheduled to be turned in-play but Shuffle fails to suspend the market at the relevant time, then: 

  3. If the event has a scheduled start time, Shuffle has the right to void all bets placed after that scheduled start time; and

  4. If the event does not have a scheduled start time, Shuffle will use its reasonable endeavours to ascertain the time of the actual start and all bets after the time of the start determined by Shuffle may be voided.

  5. Shuffle aims to use its reasonable endeavours to turn markets in-play at the start of an event, however, Shuffle cannot guarantee that all such markets will be turned in-play at the relevant time.

  6. For the purposes of in-play betting, customers should be aware that transmissions described as "live" by some broadcasters may actually be delayed or pre-recorded. The extent of any delay may vary depending on the set-up through which they are receiving pictures or data.

  7. The availability of a pre-match market for a particular event does not necessarily mean that there will be an equivalent in-play market for the same event.

  1. Resettlement

  2. Markets are generally settled shortly after the end of the event in question. Shuffle may settle (or part-settle) some markets before the official result is declared purely as a customer service benefit. However, Shuffle reserves the right to amend the settlement of the market if: 

    1. the official result is different to the result on which Shuffle initially settled the market; and

    2. if the whole market is eventually voided (e.g. for an abandoned event).

  3. Shuffle reserves the right to reverse the settlement of a market if a market is settled in error (for example, a human or technical error).

  4. If Shuffle resettles a market, this may lead to amendments being made to a customer's balance to reflect changes in market settlement.

  1. General Information Relating to Results and Market Settlement

  2. Markets will be settled as set out in the Market Title and/or the Specific Sports Rules.

  3. In the event that Shuffle judges (acting reasonably) that it has made a Major Error in a market regarding a team, runner or competitor’s price, it may, in its sole and absolute discretion, suspend, remove and/or void the market. A Major Error is classed as an error that any person, acting reasonably, would pick up on and/or realise is wrong. 

  4. Where the Market Title or Specific Sports Rules do not specify how and on what basis a market will be settled, markets will be settled on the official result of the relevant governing body regardless of any subsequent disqualification or amendment to the result.

  5. If no official result of a relevant governing body is available, the result will be determined by Shuffle (acting reasonably) using information from independent sources. In such cases, if any new information comes into the public domain within 48 hours of settlement, then Shuffle shall (acting reasonably) determine either: (i) whether the market should be resettled in light of this new information; or (ii) whether or not to wait for further information before deciding whether to resettle the market. Except where Shuffle has announced that it is waiting for further information, any information that comes into the public domain more than 48 hours after a market has been settled shall not be considered by Shuffle (regardless of whether or not such information may have led to a different result).

  6. In the event of any uncertainty about any result or potential result, Shuffle reserves the right to suspend settlement of any market for an unlimited period until the uncertainty can be resolved to the reasonable satisfaction of Shuffle. Shuffle reserves the right to void any market if the uncertainty regarding settlement cannot be resolved to Shuffle's reasonable satisfaction.

  1. Head to Head markets

In the event of a 'Head to Head' (otherwise known as 'Matchbet') market, unless otherwise stated in the Specific Sport rules, the following apply:

  1. At least one competitor must finish the event, or all bets on this market will be resulted as void

  2. If one or more competitor(s) fail to start, all bets on this market will be resulted as void

  3. If all competitors are disqualified, retired or otherwise excluded, all bets on this market will be resulted as void.

  4. If both competitors in a head-to-head achieve the same result and no draw odds are offered, then all bets on this market will be resulted as void.

  1. Non-runners, withdrawals and disqualifications

  2. Subject always to Shuffle's right to void bets under its terms and conditions or for any exception under the Specific Sports Rules, if a market contains a statement that says "All In” (or something similar) in the Market Title, then all bets on a team or competitor will stand regardless of whether or not the team or competitor starts the event or takes any part in the event.

  3. If a team or competitor is disqualified, withdraws or forfeits after starting an event they will be deemed a loser providing at least one other team or competitor completes the event. If no team or competitor completes an event (having started) then all bets will be void except for bets on any markets which have been unconditionally determined.

  1. ‘Winner with [named selection]' markets and conditional markets

  2. Shuffle may from time to time offer markets that are dependent on the participation of a particular competitor or team. If the competitor or team named in a 'Winner with …' Market Title does not participate in the tournament or event then all bets on the market will be void. For example, if there was a "Winner without Manchester City" soccer market, all bets on the market would be void if Manchester City did not participate in the tournament. However, if any other competitor did not participate, then bets would stand.

  3. A team or competitor will be deemed to have participated if they have taken part to the extent necessary to record an official result or classification (including any disqualification but excluding any "did not start" or equivalent classification).This is also applicable to markets without the ‘Winner with [named selection]’ tag. 

  1. Abandonments, Cancellations and Postponements

Some markets have different rules and these are listed in the Specific Sports Rules. However, where a market has no rules in the Specific Sports Rules in relation to an abandonment, cancellation and/or postponement the following shall apply:

  1. In relation to any match, fixture, game, individual event, race or similar: If the event is not completed within 48 hours after the originally scheduled completion date, then all bets on markets for this event will be void, except for bets on any markets that have been unconditionally determined. For the avoidance of doubt, games which have their start date altered well in advance to accommodate live TV, to ease fixture congestion, or for any other reason will not be classed as postponed.

  2. In relation to any tournament, competition or similar: If the event is not completed within three days after the originally scheduled completion date, then any markets relating to the event will be settled in accordance with the official ruling of the relevant governing body, providing such a decision is given within 90 days after the scheduled completion date. If no official ruling is announced in this 90 day period, then bets on any market relating to this event will be void, except for bets on any markets which have been unconditionally determined. If a market is to be voided but has been part-settled as a courtesy to Shuffle customers, then such part-settled bets will be reversed and all bets on the market will be void.

  3. Shuffle will decide (acting reasonably) whether a market relates to a match (or similar) or a tournament (or similar).

  1. Change of venue/match conditions

Some markets have different rules and these are listed in the Specific Sports Rules and/or the Market Title. However, if change of venue/match conditions is not dealt with in the Specific Sports Rules and/or the Market Title then the following shall apply:

  1. For any team sport: if the scheduled venue is changed after the market is loaded by Shuffle, all bets will be void only if the new venue is a home ground of the original away team.

  2. For all categories or markets other than team sports: 

    1. if the scheduled venue is changed after the market is loaded by Shuffle, all bets will stand.

  3. If there is a change in the type of scheduled surface (e.g. a tennis match switching from clay to hard) after the market has been loaded, all bets will be void.

  4. In the event of a change of opponent from the one listed, all bets for that match are void.

  5. If a team fields their reserve team or an underage team instead of their first team, Shuffle reserves the right to void any and all bets associated with that match. This decision is at Shuffle’s sole and absolute discretion and will be made with reasonable good faith efforts.

  1. Duration of matches

Some markets have different rules and these are listed in the Specific Sports Rules and/or the Market Title. However, if not dealt with in the Specific Sports Rules or the Market Title, then the following shall apply:

  1. Unless otherwise stated, all bets on soccer markets apply to 90 minutes of play according to the match officials, plus any added injury or stoppage time. However extra-time and penalty shoot-outs are not included. The only exceptions are for: 

    1. matches that are scheduled for a duration other than the standard 90 minutes (e.g. 60, 75, 80 minutes etc.) as agreed by the laws of the competition in which they are competing or agreed by both sides prior to kick-off. In such cases, if the match is played in the traditional format of two halves, all bets will be settled at the end of the agreed game length which includes time added on by the referee for stoppages (whether the game length is advertised by Shuffle or not). 

    2. If the game is played in an unusual format (e.g. 3 or 4 periods) then all half-time markets will be voided but all other markets will be settled on the basis of the score at the end of the match (including any time added on by the referee for stoppages).

  2. Some markets refer to the length of time until an occurrence in the event (e.g. time of first goal). If an event happens in stoppage or injury time after any regular time period then it will be deemed to have occurred at the end of the regular time period. For example, if a goal is scored in first half stoppage-time in a soccer match it will be deemed to have occurred on exactly 45 minutes.

  3. All bets apply to the relevant full 'regular time' period including stoppage time. Any extra-time, golden point and/or penalty shoot-out is not included.

  1. Player prop markets

  2. If a scheduled venue is changed after the market is loaded by Shuffle, any and all bets shall be voided.

  3. If a match starts but is abandoned or suspended at any time before the match reaches a natural end and the match does not resume within 5 hours, then all bets on

  4. that player shall be voided.

  5. If any player selected for any bet type does not participate in the game/match, then all bets on that player shall be voided (exception for soccer listed below). 'Participation' is classified as taking part or being on the field for any period, however short, of a game/match.

  6. For soccer only, if any player selected for any bet type does not start the game, then all bets on that player shall be voided.

  7. All Player Markets include overtime for resulting purposes; except for soccer, which includes only the scheduled 90 minutes and any added injury/stoppage time. For the avoidance of doubt, extra time is not included for resulting purposes UNLESS clearly stated in Market Title. 

  8. For soccer only, penalty shootouts are not included for resulting purposes.

  1. "To qualify", or “Outright”/“Futures” markets

Some markets have different rules and these are listed in the Specific Sports Rules and/or the Market Title. However, if not dealt with in the Specific Sports Rules or the Market Title, then the following shall apply:

  1. Any 'to qualify' market (e.g. "to reach the fourth round" market) will be determined by the competitor or team that qualifies under the terms set out in Market Title, whether or not they take part in the next round or event for which they have qualified. For example, if you bet on Jannik Sinner in a ‘To Reach Final’ market and he wins his semi-final, but withdraws prior to the final due to injury, this bet will be resulted as a winner, and any potential ‘No’ side resulted as a loser.

  2. Markets will be settled after the qualifying stage set out in the Market Title and any subsequent disqualification or amendment to the result will not count.

  3. Outright markets are considered 'All In', and therefore bets on these markets will be settled as a loss if the selection does not take part in the event.

  4. In cases where the event is canceled, then all bets on this market will be resulted as void.

  5. In cases where the venue for an event is changed, Shuffle reserves the right to void any betting.

  6. Unless stated otherwise, whenever the organising association deems it fit to include any necessary rounds, matches, or series of matches (e.g. Play-offs, Play-outs, Postseason) following the end of the so-called Regular Season in order to determine the classification, league winners, promotion/relegation, etc., Shuffle will take into account the results and outcomes deriving from these matches for settlement purposes of tickets referring to the final league classification, promotion, relegation, etc. For example, seasonal bets on the team winning the NHL will refer to the Stanley Cup Winners.

  7. All events are settled based on the award ceremony or the competition’s official scoresheet, without taking into consideration the results of any subsequent investigations or disqualifications.

  1. Miscellaneous

  2. All references to time periods (time as in ‘clock’, not time as in ‘duration’) in the Rules relate to the time zone in which the event takes place. For example, a reference to the start time of a cricket match played in Rawalpindi relates to the time in Rawalpindi.

  3. All information supplied by Shuffle is done so in good faith. However, Shuffle cannot accept liability for any errors or omissions in respect of any information, such as the posting of prices, runners, times, scores, results or general statistics.

  4. Shuffle reserves the right to correct any obvious errors and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure markets are created, administered, suspended and resulted with integrity and transparency.

  5. If an incorrect team or competitor name is displayed (excluding minor spelling mistakes) or the incorrect number of teams, competitors or outcomes is displayed in any complete market or a market is otherwise loaded using incorrect information (for example listing an ‘away team as the ‘home’ team) or includes any other Obvious Error, then Shuffle reserves the right to suspend the market and (providing it acts reasonably) to void all bets matched on the market. Shuffle will be the sole arbiter of what is defined as ‘acting reasonably’, but any and all good faith effort(s) shall be made.

  6. Customers are responsible for ensuring that they satisfy themselves that the selection on which they place a bet is their intended selection. For example, in the case of a competitor bearing the same name as another individual not competing in the relevant event, the onus is on the customer to ensure that they know which competitor Shuffle has loaded into the relevant market and to ensure that they are placing their bet on their chosen competitor.

  7. Shuffle reserves the right at any time in its sole and absolute discretion to suspend a market.

  8. Shuffle may, in its sole and absolute discretion, decide to suspend betting on a market at any time (even if such suspension is earlier than anticipated by the Market Title or match situation). In the interests of maintaining integrity and fairness in the markets, Shuffle may also void certain bets in a market or void a whole market in its entirety.

  9. Shuffle reserves the right to amend the Rules at any time. Any such revision will be binding and effective immediately on the posting of such rule changes on shuffle.com and any markets loaded after the new Rules have been posted shall be governed by the new Rules.

  10. The Rules have been prepared in various languages other than English for ease of use for customers in different locales. In the event of any differences between the English version and (if applicable) the translated version in the local language of your country of residence, the English version shall prevail.

  11. If a match deviates significantly from the generally accepted format or rules, Shuffle may, in its sole and absolute discretion, void any relevant Market (specific changes in duration are covered in Point 9. above)

  12. If a match is not completed or not played (e.g. through disqualification, interruption, withdrawal, changes in draws, etc.), all undecided markets will be void. If, however, a market has been unconditionally determined such that any further play or time would not change the result, it will be resulted. For example: if an NFL match was called off for lighting at 3QT that had a score of 24-17. A bet of over 39.5 points would be graded as a winner, as further play would not make the score go under 39.5 (and vice versa, a ticket for under 39.5 would be resulted as a loser. A ticket for over 43.5 points, however, would be voided, because the result of further play is unknown. 

  13. If the outcome of a Market was already known or decided before the placing of a bet, the Shuffle may, in its sole and absolute discretion, void any and all tickets, withhold or deduct winnings and/or refund wager amounts. 

  14. A “Maximum Win Limit” of up to and equal to USD $500,000 (or its equivalent in different currencies at the time the bet was placed) will apply to any and all sports bets placed on Shuffle. The Maximum Win Limit is the maximum total amount that Shuffle will credit to an individual customer’s Shuffle Account as a result of winnings from bets placed on any type of sports market. For avoidance of doubt, this includes multiple bets (also called ‘multis’, or ‘parlays’).

  15. Shuffle is not obligated to remind users on a case by case basis of this Maximum Win Limit, and users understand and accept that Shuffle’s acceptance of a bet that would imply a potential credit to a user’s account of over this Maximum Win Limit may not necessarily indicate a waiving of this rule on Shuffle’s behalf. Shuffle may, in its sole and absolute discretion, refuse to pay out more than the Maximum Win Limit. 

  16. If a customer attempts to circumvent any Maximum Win Limits, whether through the use of multiple Shuffle Accounts, fraudulent betting, or through other means, it will constitute a breach of these Rules. In those circumstances, Shuffle may, in its sole and absolute discretion, take such action up to and including: 

    1. Canceling the relevant bet(s);

    2. Adjusting or withholding winnings; and

    3. Closing user(‘s) account(s)

  17. Unless Shuffle has specifically agreed otherwise, an individual customer’s maximum daily winnings are equal to US$500,000 (or its equivalent in the different currencies at the time the bet was placed). 

  18. All match markets DO NOT include overtime unless otherwise stated.

  19. In the event of an odd/even market being offered, unless otherwise stated, total counts of zero will be settled as even

  20. In the event of a Half/Quarter/Period market being offered, unless otherwise stated, only goals/points/corners etc. scored in the respective period will count towards settlement of the market. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes stoppage time, injury time or any other time added onto a period as adjudicated by the referee.

  21. In the event of a 'Race to X' market, if a match ends before the X time is reached, then bets on this market will be resulted as void.

  22. When an exact number is quoted as the line for a market, if the result ends on the quoted line, then bets on this market will be resulted as void.

  23. In the event of a two-way market (with just home and away team as outcomes) being offered and the event results in a draw, bets on this market will be resulted as void.

Part C- Specific Sports

The General Rules apply to all bets unless stated otherwise in these Specific Sports Rules. If there is any inconsistency between the Specific Sports Rules and the General Rules, the Specific Sports Rules shall prevail. If there is any inconsistency between the Market Title and either the General Rules or the Specific Sports Rules, the Specific Sport Rules shall prevail. 

Soccer - Inplay

  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Winning Method” - In the case of multiple legs, all matches are considered for this market

  3. “Who will advance to next round” - In the case of multiple legs, all matches are considered for this market

  4. “Who will win the final” - In the case of multiple legs, all matches are considered for this market

  5. “Who will win the 3rd place final” - In the case of multiple legs, all matches are considered for this market

  6. “Player to score (incl. overtime)” - If no overtime is played, the market will be settled according to the result at the end of the regular time.

  7. “Next goalscorer” - Own goals are considered for settlement purposes as a dedicated outcome is provided. 

  8. “Next goalscorer & 1x2” - Any player who doesn’t score will be settled as “other”

  9. “Anytime goalscorer & 1x2” - Any player who doesn’t score will be settled as “other”

  10. “Next goalscorer & correct score” - Any player who doesn’t score will be settled as “other”, as well as if any team scores more than 4 goals.

  11. “Anytime goalscorer & correct score” - Any player who doesn’t score will be settled as “other”, as well as if any team scores more than 4 goals.

  12. “When will the next goal be scored?” - If a goal is scored in added injury or stoppage time, it will be accounted for outcomes Min 31-45/Min 76-90

  1. Important

  2. All markets (except halftime, first half markets, overtime and penalty shootout) are considered for regular time only unless otherwise stated.

  3. If a match is interrupted and continued within 48h after initial kickoff, all open bets will be settled with the final result. Otherwise all undecided bets are considered void.

  4. Regular 90 Minutes: Markets are based on the result at the end of a scheduled 90 minutes play unless otherwise stated. This includes any added injury or stoppage time but does not include extra-time, time allocated for a penalty shootout or golden goal.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If the market remains open when the following events have already taken place: 

goals, red/yellow cards and penalties;

We reserve the right to void betting.

  1. If the market was opened with a missing or incorrect red card, we reserve the right to void betting.

  2. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time (more than 5 minutes), we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If a wrong score is entered, all markets will be cancelled for the time when the incorrect score was displayed.

  4. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date betting will be void.

  5. If the team names or category are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  6. In case of any score or card/corner/penalty related changes, we reserve the right to void betting on any video assistant referee (VAR) situation.

  1. Booking Markets

  2. Yellow card counts as 1 card and red or yellow-red card as 2. The 2nd yellow for one player which leads to a yellow-red card is not considered. As a consequence one player cannot cause more than 3 cards.

  3. Settlement will be made according to all available evidence of cards shown during the regular 90 minutes play.

  4. Cards shown after the match are not considered.

  5. Cards issued during half-time contribute towards 2nd half markets/totals

  6. Cards for non-players (already substituted players, managers, players on bench) are not considered.

  1. Booking Points Markets

  2. Yellow card counts as 10 points and red or yellow-red cards as 25. The 2nd yellow for one player which leads to a yellow-red card is not considered. As a consequence one player cannot cause more than 35 booking points.

  3. Settlement will be made according to all available evidence for cards shown during the regular 90 minutes play.

  4. Cards shown after the match are not considered.

  5. Cards issued during half-time contribute towards 2nd half markets/totals

  6. Cards for non-players (already substituted players, managers, players on bench) are not considered.

  1. Corner Markets

  2. Corners awarded but not taken are not considered.

  1. Anytime Goalscorer and Player to score X or more

  2. Own goals will not be considered for Anytime Goalscorer or Player to score X or more settlement purposes and are ignored.

  3. All players who took part in the match since kick off or previous goal are considered as runners.

  4. All players who are currently taking part are listed.

  5. If for any reason an unlisted player scores a goal all bets on listed players stand.

  6. Market will be settled based on TV insert and statistics provided by Press Association unless there is clear evidence that these statistics are not correct.

  1. Next Goalscorer

  2. Own goals will not be considered for Next Goalscorer settlement purposes and are ignored.

  3. All players who took part in the match since kick off or previous goal are considered as runners.

  4. All players who are currently taking part are listed.

  5. If for any reason an unlisted player scores a goal all bets on listed players stand.

  6. Market will be settled based on TV insert and statistics provided by Press Association unless there is clear evidence that these statistics are not correct.

  1. Interval Markets

  2. Markets will be settled based on the goal time announced by TV. If this is not available, the time according to the match clock is considered.

  3. Goal markets are settled based on the time the ball crosses the line, and not the time the kick is made.

  4. Corner interval markets are settled based on the time the corner kick is taken and not the time the corner is conceded or awarded.

  5. Booking interval markets are settled based on the time the card is shown and not the time the infringement is made.

  6. Offsides will be settled based on the time when the referee gives the decision.

  7. This rule will be applied on any video assistant referee (VAR) situation.

  8. Penalty markets will be settled based on the time when the referee gives the decision. This rule will be applied on any video assistant referee (VAR) situation.

  9. Penalties awarded but not taken are not considered.

  10. For all 5 min/15 min interval markets, related to interval minutes 41- 45/31-45, events (goals, corners) in added injury or stoppage time will be accounted for.

  1. Next Scoring Type

  2. Freekick - The goal has to be scored directly from the freekick or corner to qualify as a goal by freekick. Deflected shots count as long as the freekick or corner taker is awarded the goal

  3. Penalty - Goal must be scored directly from the penalty. Goals after a rebound of a missed penalty do not count

  4. Own Goal - If goal is declared as an own goal

  5. Header - The scorers last touch has to be with the head

  6. Shot - Goal has to be with any other part of the body than the head and the other types do not apply

Soccer - Pre Match

  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Winning Method” - In the case of multiple matches, all of them are considered for this market

  3. “To qualify” - In the case of multiple legs, all matches are considered for this market

  4. “1st Goalscorer & 1x2” - Any player who doesn’t score will be settled as “other”

  5. “Anytime goalscorer & 1x2” - Any player who doesn’t score will be settled as “other”

  6. “1st Goalscorer & correct score” - Any player who doesn’t score will be settled as “other”, as well as if any team scores more than 4 goals.

  7. “Anytime goalscorer & correct score” - Any player who doesn’t score will be settled as “other”, as well as if any team scores more than 4 goals.

  1. Time Frame Betting

  2. Time frames are defined as follows: 1-10 minutes is 0:00-9:59, 11-20 minutes is 10:00-19:59, etc. 1-15 minutes is 00:00-14:59, 16-30 minutes is 15:00-29:59, etc.

  3. Time periods 31-45 and 76-90 include any added time

  4. 1st/2nd Half Markets apply to the statutory 45 minutes play, including injury time and added time

  5. In case of unusual time periods (e.g., 3 periods of 30 minutes each), 1st half markets will be settled based on goals scored between start of the game and 44:59 min, and 2nd half markets - between 45:00 min and the end of the game (including added time and injury time, excluding extra-time and/or penalties)

  1. Interval Markets

  2. Markets will be settled based on the goal time announced by TV. If this is not available, the time according to the match clock is considered.

  3. Goal markets are settled based on the time the ball crosses the line, and not the time the kick is made.

  4. Corner interval markets are settled based on the time the corner kick is taken and not the time the corner is conceded or awarded.

  5. Booking interval markets are settled based on the time the card is shown and not the time the infringement is made

  6. Offsides will be settled based on the time when the referee gives the decision. This rule will be applied to any video assistant referee (VAR) situation.

  7. Penalty markets will be settled based on the time when the referee gives the decision. This rule will be applied to any video assistant referee (VAR) situation.

  8. Penalties awarded but not taken are not considered

  1. Booking Markets

  2. Yellow card counts as 1 card and red or yellow-red card as 2. The 2nd yellow for one player which leads to a yellow-red card is not considered. Consequently, one player cannot cause more than 3 cards.

  3. Settlement will be made according to all available evidence of cards shown during the regular 90 minutes play.

  4. Cards shown after the match are not considered.

  5. Cards for non-players (already substituted players, managers, players on bench) are not considered.

  1. Booking Points Markets

  2. Yellow card counts as 10 points and red or yellow-red cards as 25. The 2nd yellow for one player which leads to a yellow-red card is not considered. Consequently, one player cannot cause more than 35 booking points.

  3. Settlement will be made according to all available evidence for cards shown during the regular 90 minutes play. Cards shown after the match are not considered.

  4. Cards for non-players (already substituted players, managers, players on bench) are not considered.

  1. Goalscorer Markets

  2. Own goals do not count in the settlement of bets (except when the ‘Include players, no goal, other and own goal’ Prematch Feed Option for ‘Goalscorer markets’ is applied).

  3. If for any reason an unlisted player scores a goal all bets on listed players stand

  4. All players who took part in the match since kick off or previous goal are considered as runners

  5. All players who are currently taking part are listed

  6. Market will be settled based on TV insert and statistics provided by Press Association unless there is clear evidence that these statistics are not correct.

  1. Corner Markets

  2. Corners awarded but not taken are not considered.

  1. Player Markets

  2. If a player was not in the starting lineup the bet will be voided

  1. Soccer Stats used on Player Markets

  2. Assists: A final contribution (pass, shot or any other touch of the ball) made by a player leading to the receiving teammate scoring a goal

  3. Goals: The number of goals scored by a player in the opposition net. markets are settled based on the time the ball crosses the line, and not the time the kick is made

  4. Shots: Any clear attempt by a player to score a goal (on target, off target or blocked)

  5. Shots on Goal / Shots on Target: An attempt by a player which directly results in a goal (regardless of clear intent to score a goal), or a clear attempt by a player to score a goal that clearly would have gone into the net if not for a goalkeeper save or a stop made by the last-man (with the goalkeeper clearly unable to save)

  6. Passes: Attempted pass (successful or unsuccessful) with the clear intention of one player to find a teammate

  7. Tackles: When a player connected with the ball in a ground challenge, successfully taking the ball away from the player in possession

  8. Cards: Player carded: 0 = No, 1 = Yes (not the total number of cards received).


  1. Match Retirements

  2. In the event of a retirement or disqualification in a match, all markets that have not already had their result determined will be settled as void.

  3. Markets must be actually decided in order to have settlements. For example, if the match ends via retirement in the first set with the score at 4-4, we would void the first set total 9.5 line as the actual number of total games at the time of retirement was only eight.

  4. A tennis match is deemed to have started with the first serve of the match.

  1. Important - Inplay only

  2. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If the players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If a player retires all undecided markets are considered void.

  5. If a match tie-break is played as a deciding set in Bo3 format, it will be considered as the 3rd set

  6. Every tie-break or Match tie-break counts as 1 game

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If the players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If a player retires all undecided markets are considered void.

  5. If a match tie-break is played as a deciding set in Bo3 format, it will be considered as the 3rd set.

  6. Every tie-break or Match tie-break counts as 1 game.

  1. Break & Break Point Markets

  2. Mini-breaks within tie-breaks or match-tiebreaks are not considered for settlement purposes.

  3. If any player retires directly after a break point occurs, it will still count as break point for settlement purposes.

  1. Tiebreaks

  2. For all bets referring to the number of games played, a tie-break is counted as one game.

  1. Market Settlements for Retirements

  2. Match Walkovers

  3. In the event of a Walkover all markets will be settled as void.

  1. Match Not Played As Listed

  2. In the event of any of the following circumstances, all bets will stand:

  • Change of schedule and/or day of match

  • Change of venue

  • Change from indoor court to outdoor court or vice versa

  • Change of surface (either before or during a match)

  • If the players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

American Football

  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Will there be overtime?” - Market will be settled as yes if at the end of regular time the match finishes in a draw, regardless of whether overtime is played

  3. “Xth drive - result” - Only offensive plays will be considered for settlement purposes. A drive ending by interception return. Touchdowns by the defence, end of half or end of game, will be settled with “other”.

  4. “Total home team” - Includes overtime

  5. “Total away team” - Includes overtime

  6. “Xth drive play n – play type” - A sack will be considered as a pass play. Only a forward pass will be taken into consideration for a pass play by definition.

  7. “Xth drive play n – pass completion” - Only a forward pass will be taken into consideration for a pass play by definition.

  8. “Xth drive - result” - Only offensive plays will be considered for settlement purposes. A drive ending by ‘interception, Return Touchdown’ by the defence, end of half or end of game, will be settled with “other”.

  1. Important - Inplay

  2. In case of any delay (rain, darkness…) all markets remain unsettled and the trading will be continued as soon as the match continues.

  3. Markets do not consider overtime unless otherwise stated.

  4. All offered players are considered as runners.

  5. If no further touchdown is scored, the market will be voided.

  6. Players which are not listed are considered as “Competitor1 other player” or “Competitor2 other player” for settlement purposes. Note this does not include players which are listed without an active price.

  7. Players of the Defense- or Special team are considered as “Competitor1 d/st player” or “Competitor2 d/st player” for settlement purposes, even if the player is listed as a dedicated outcome.

  8. Market will be settled based on TV insert and statistics provided by official associations unless there is clear evidence that statistics are not correct.

  1. Settlement/Cancellation Rules

  2. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time (more than 89 seconds), we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If a wrong score is displayed we reserve the right to void betting for this timeframe.

  4. In case of abandoned or postponed matches all markets are considered void unless the match continues in the same NFL weekly schedule (Thursday - Wednesday local stadium time).

  5. If the teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  1. Match Abandonments/Postponements

  2. In case of abandoned or postponed matches all undecided markets are considered void unless the match continues in the same weekly schedule (Thursday - Wednesday local stadium time).

  1. Half and Quarter Markets

  2. Any references to First Half refer to Quarters 1 & 2, and any to Second Half refer to Quarters 3 & 4.

  3. Market outcome is determined only based on the score in the respective period (e.g., 1st Quarter, 2nd Half etc.) excluding points scored in other periods both in regular time and overtime.

  4. The quarter must have been completed for bets to stand.

  5. The half must have been completed for bets to stand.

  1. Rapid Markets

  2. New first down & yards gained by play penalties will not be considered for settlement purposes.

  3. In case of no plays, all markets will be settled with the next play or voided if the drive ends before reaching the respective play.

  4. In case of the drive ended before the respective play number was reached, all markets for the respective play will be considered void. This includes punts and field goals.

  5. Field goal yardage will not be considered for total yards gained in a play.


  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Will there be overtime” - market will be settled as yes if at the end of regular time the match finishes in a draw, regardless of whether overtime is played.

  3. “Who scores Xth point? (incl. ot)” - If a match ends before the Xth is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled).

  4. “Which team will win the race to x points? (incl. ot)” - If a match ends before the Xth is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled) to x points? (incl. ot)

  5. “Will there be overtime?” - Market will be settled as yes if at the end of regular time the match finishes in a draw, regardless of whether or not overtime is played.

  6. “Race to home X and away Y points” - The specified target must be reached for the chosen team before their opponent.

  7. “To reach the target” - the team must hit or exceed the designated total. If neither team reaches the specified target bets will be void.

  8. “Anytime exact score H : A” - For bets to be deemed a winner the event score must hit the score displayed exactly during the event. Any score surpassing the target without hitting exactly will be deemed a losing bet.

  9. Important

  10. Markets do not consider overtime unless otherwise stated.

  1. Basketball Stats Used for ‘Player Markets’

  2. “3pt Field Goals (FG) Made” - The number of 3-point field goals that a player or team has made

  3. “Points” - The number of points scored

  4. “FG Made” - The number of field goals that a player has made. This includes both 2 pointers and 3 pointers

  5. “Assists” - The number of assists - passes that lead directly to a made basket by a player

  6. “Blocks” - A block occurs when an offensive player attempts a shot, and the defence player tips the ball, blocking their chance to score

  7. “Total Rebounds” - A rebound occurs when a player recovers the ball after a missed shot. This statistic is the number of total rebounds a player has collected on either offence or defence

  8. “Steals” - Number of times a defensive player takes the ball from a player on offence, causing a turnover

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. In the event that a match does not finish in a tie, but overtime is played for qualification purposes, the markets will be settled according to the result at the end of regular time.

  3. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date betting will be void.

  4. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time (more than 2 minutes), we reserve the right to void betting. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  5. In the event that a match does not finish in a tie, but overtime is played for qualification purposes, the markets will be settled according to the result at the end of regular time.

  6. In the event that a match finishes in a tie, but no Overtime is played, all markets are settled according to the result at the end of regular time (except Match Winner incl. OT, which is voided).

Ice Hockey

  1. Important

  2. All markets (except period, overtime and penalty shootout markets) are considered for regular time only unless it is mentioned in the market.

  3. If a match is interrupted and continued within 48h after initial kick- off all open bets will be settled with the final result. Otherwise all undecided bets are considered void.

  4. In the event of a game being decided by a penalty shootout, then one goal will be added to the winning team’s score and the game total for settlement purposes. This applies to all markets including overtime and penalty shootout.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. In the event of a game being decided by a penalty shootout, then one goal will be added to the winning team’s score and the game total for settlement purposes. This applies to all markets.

  3. If the market remains open when the following events have already taken place: 

goals and penalties;

We reserve the right to void betting.

  1. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time (more than 2 minutes), we reserve the right to void betting.

  2. If a wrong score is entered all markets will be cancelled for the time when the incorrect score was displayed.

  3. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date betting will be void.

  1. Anytime Goalscorer and Player to Score a Point

  2. All offered players are considered as runners.

  3. If an unlisted player scores a goal or earns a point, all bets on listed players stand.

  4. For settlement purposes, only goals and assists scored during regular time are considered. Please note that if the score after regular time is 0-0, all bets will be settled as lost.

  5. All bets on players that were listed but left the game before the match ended (such as injuries or expulsions) will stand.

  6. Markets will be settled based on TV inserts and data provided by official associations unless there is clear evidence these statistics are not correct.

  1. Next Scoring Type

  2. Even strength: Goals are considered even strength when every team has the same number of players on the ice.

  3. Power-play: A goal is considered to be a power-play goal if the team with numerical advantage scores.

  4. Short-handed: A goal is considered to be a short-handed goal if the team with numerical disadvantage scores.

  5. Penalty shot: A penalty shot is considered to be a goal if converted

  6. Empty net: A goal is considered to be an empty net goal, if the trailing team pulls the goalkeeper for an extra attacker and the leading team scores. In power-play/short-handed and empty net situations, a goal will always be considered as an empty net goal for settlement purposes.

  1. Period Markets

  2. Market outcome is determined only based on the score in the respective period (e.g., 1st Period, 2nd Period, 3rd Period). Only the goals scored within the nominated period count. Unless otherwise stated, overtime does not count for the result of the 3rd period. The period must have been completed for tickets all that period to stand.

  1. Player Markets

  2. (Pre-match) If a goalie does not start the game, the bet will be voided.

Baseball - Pre Match

  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “1X2” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided.

  3. “Winner (incl. extra innings)” - The Winner market will be settled for pre-match if the match goes at least 5 innings (4.5 if the home team is leading) and is considered official.

  4. “Winning margin (incl. extra innings)” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided.

  5. “Handicap” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided.

  6. “Total (incl. extra innings), all markets” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided (unless the over outcome has already won).

  7. “Odd/even (incl. extra innings)” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided.

  8. “Race to x runs (incl. extra innings)” - Will be voided if neither team reaches the x value.

  9. “Will there be an extra inning?” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided.

  10. “Competitor 1 to bat in 9th inning” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided.

  11. “Team to win more innings” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided.

  12. “Team with the highest scoring inning” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided.

  13. “Highest scoring inning” - The match must go the full number of scheduled innings otherwise the market will be voided.

  14. “Innings 1 to 5, all markets” - The match must have completed 5 innings (4.5 if the home team is leading).

  15. “Innings 1 to 5 – Total, all markets” - The match must have completed 5 innings (4.5 if home team is leading) unless over has already won

  16. “xth inning – 1x2” - The inning must be completed.

  17. “xth inning – Total” - The inning must be completed unless the over has already won.

  18. “Maximum consecutive runs by either team” - The match must go the scheduled number of innings unless 5+ has already won.

  19. “When will the match be decided?” - The match must go the scheduled number of innings. This market will be settled as “any extra inning” if at the end of regular time (after full 9 Innings) the match finishes in a draw, regardless of whether or not extra innings are played.

  20. “When will the xth run be scored (incl. extra innings)” - The match must go the scheduled number of innings. If a match ends before the Xth run is reached this market is considered void.

  21. “xth inning – competitor1 to score” - The inning must be completed unless the home team has already scored.

  22. “xth inning – competitor2 to score” The inning must be completed unless the away team has already scored.

  23. “Total hits (incl. extra innings), all markets” - The match must go the scheduled number of innings unless the over has already won at time the match ends.

  24. “1st inning - total hits, all markets” - The 1st inning must be completed unless the over has already won.

  25. “Innings 1 to 5 - total hits, all markets” - The match must have completed 5 innings (4.5 if the home team is leading) unless the over has already won.

  26. “Winner & total (incl. extra innings)” - The match must go the scheduled number of innings.

  27. “Total home runs (incl. extra innings), all markets” - Match must go scheduled number of innings unless over has already won at time match ends

  28. “1st inning – Winner” - The 1st inning must be completed.

  29.  “Race to x runs (incl. extra innings)” - If a match ends before the Xth run is reached, this market is considered void.

  30. “Will there be an extra inning?” - Market will be settled as “Yes” if at the end of regular time (after full 9 Innings) the match finishes in a draw, regardless of whether or not extra innings are played.

  1. Match Abandonments/Postponements

  2. In the case of a postponed match, all markets are considered void unless the match continues to an official result on the scheduled day

  3. In the case of an abandoned match that is not considered official, all undecided markets are considered void unless the match continues to an official result on the scheduled day. All fully decided markets will be settled.

  1. Matches Not Played as Listed

  2. All bets stand irrespective of starting pitchers or starting pitcher changes

  3. Important

  4. A baseball match is usually scheduled for 9 innings, but some matches can be scheduled for 7 innings and even 5, 6, 8. However, just because a match is scheduled for x innings, this does not mean that that many innings will actually be played. A match could be called early because of weather conditions and although the full number of innings was not played the result is still considered official. A match could also have more than the scheduled number of innings if it is tied score and goes to extra innings.

  1. Player Markets

  2. Bets on players where a match is marked as postponed or cancelled in game state before the scheduled start time shall be left with pending status and resulted if the game starts within 72 hours of the original (global game time) scheduled start time. If the game does not start within 72 hours, bets shall be voided.

  3. All bets created prior to a venue change shall be voided.

  4. If the match does not start at the scheduled time, all related player markets bets shall still be available for auto verification, unless the game starts > 72 hours after original scheduled time.

  5. If the match starts but is abandoned or suspended at any time before the match reaches a natural end and the match does not resume within 5 hours, then all bets on that player shall be voided.

  6. If any player selected for any bet type does not participate in the game, then all bets on that player shall be voided.

  7. All Player Markets include extra innings for bet resulting.

  8. If a player was not in the starting lineup the bet will be voided.

  9. The game must go at least 8.5 innings for bets to stand. Otherwise, all bets will be voided.

  1. Baseball Stats Used for ‘Player Markets’

  2. “Batter – Hits (H)” - Reaching base because of a batted, fair ball without error by the defence.

  3. “Batter – Home Runs (HR)” - Hits on which the batter successfully touched all four bases, without the contribution of a fielding error.

  4. “Batter - Total Bases (TB)” - One for each single, two for each double, three for each triple, and four for each home run [H + 2B + (2 × 3B) + (3 × HR)] or [1B + (2 × 2B) + (3 × 3B) + (4 × HR)].

  5. “Batter - Runs + RBI’s” - SUM of Runs And RBI`s (Run batted in: number of runners who score due to a batter’s action, except when the batter grounded into a double play or reached on an error)

  6. “Pitcher - Strikeouts (SO)” -Number of batters who received strike three

  7. “Pitcher - Earned Runs” - Number of runs that did not occur as a result of errors or passed balls

  8. “Batter - Hits + Runs + RBIs” - SUM of Hits, Runs And RBI`s (Run batted in: number of runners who score due to a batter’s action, except when the batter grounded into a double play or reached on an error)

Baseball - Inplay

  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Which team wins the race to x points?” - If an inning ends before the Xth point is reached (incl. extra innings), this market is considered void (cancelled).

  3. “When will the match be decided?” - Market will be settled as “Any extra inning” if at the end of regular time (After a full 9 Innings) the match finishes in a draw, regardless of whether or not overtime (Extra innings) is played.

  4. “Will there be overtime?” - Market will be settled as “Yes” if at the end of regular time (After full 9 Innings) the match finishes in a draw, regardless of whether or not overtime (Extra innings) is played.

  5. “Result of player xth time at bat” - If an intentional walk is signalled, it will count as plate appearance and the market is considered void (cancelled).

  6. “Player to strike out xth time at bat” - If an intentional walk is signalled, it will count as plate appearance and the market is considered void (cancelled).

  1. Important

  2. Possible extra innings are not considered in any market unless otherwise stated.

  3. The names of the markets do not reflect the actual terms used in baseball. Please take note of the following legend for the actual terms used in baseball:

  • Period: Inning

  • Overtime: Extra Inning

  • Points: Runs

  • Halftime: Result after 9th half-inning

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. All markets will be cleared according the final result after 9 innings (8 ½ innings if home team is leading at this point)

  3. If a match is interrupted or cancelled and won’t be continued on the same day, all undecided markets are considered void.

  4. If markets remain open with an incorrect score or incorrect match status which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  1. Rapid Markets

  2. If a hit and an error occur within the same play, a hit will be considered for settlement purposes.

  3. If a player does not show up at the plate again but related player markets have been offered, undecided markets are considered void.

  4. A foul ball will always be considered a strike for settlement purposes.

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

  1. General Market Descriptions - Inplay

  2. “Winner (To Win The Fight)” - Predict which competitor will win the bout. No draw selection is offered.

  3. “1x2 (Fight Result)” - Predict the result of the bout.

  4. “Total (Over/Under)” - Betting on the round in which the fight result will be determined.

  1. General Market Descriptions - Pre Match

  2. “Winner (To Win The Fight)” - Predict which competitor will win the bout. No draw selection is offered. For the Winner market where no draw selection is offered, all bets will be void in the event of a draw (this includes a fight which ends in a Majority Draw or a Technical Draw).

  3. “1x2 (Fight Result)” - Predict the result of the bout. If the fight ends in a Majority Draw or a Technical Draw then Draw will be the winning selection.

  4. “Total (Over/Under)” - Betting on the round in which the fight result will be determined. For settlement purposes where a half round is stated then 2 minutes 30 seconds of the respective round will define the half to determine under or over. Thus, 2.5 rounds would be two minutes and thirty seconds of the 3rd round. If the fight ends at exactly 2 minutes 30 seconds of the 3rd round then the result would be over 2.5 rounds.

  1. Important

  2. All markets are settled according to the result available immediately after the end of the fight. Any subsequent appeals or amendments to the result are not taken into consideration for settlement purposes.

  3. If either fighter fails to answer the bell for the next round, then his opponent will be deemed to have won in the previous round.

  4. Should there be a withdrawal or a substitution of one of the fighters concerned, bets will be void.

  5. In the event of a fight being declared a No Contest all bets will be void.

  6. Should the scheduled number of rounds be changed before the fight then all “Total Rounds”, “Winner and exact rounds” and “Winning Method” bets will be made void.

  7. In the event that a fight is abandoned due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e., problems in the arena) all bets on “Winner” and “1x2” markets will be made void. Bets on already determined markets will be settled (i.e., if the bout reaches the 3rd round, bets on over 1.5 rounds would be deemed a winner) and any undetermined markets will be made void.

  1. Total Rounds

  2. For settlement purposes where a half round is stated then 2 minutes 30 seconds of that respective round will define the half to determine under or over. Thus, 2.5 rounds would be two minutes and thirty seconds of the 3rd round. If the fight ends at exactly 2 minutes 30 seconds of the 3rd round, then the result would be over 2.5 rounds.

  1. Draw Rules

  2. For the “Winner” market where no draw selection is offered, all bets will be void in the event of a draw (this includes a fight which ends in a Majority Draw or a Technical Draw).

  3. “1x2” - If the fight ends in a Majority Draw or a Technical Draw then Draw will be the winning selection.

  4. In the event of a fight being declared a ‘No Contest’ all bets will be void.


  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Winner (To Win the Fight)” - Predict which competitor will win the bout. No draw selection is offered. For the Winner market where no draw selection is offered all bets will be void in the event of a draw (this includes a fight which ends in a Majority Draw or a Technical Draw).

  3. “1x2 (Fight Result)” - Predict the result of the bout. If the fight ends in a Majority Draw or a Technical Draw then Draw will be the winning selection.

  4. “Total Rounds (Over/Under)” - Betting on the round in which the fight result will be determined. For settlement purposes where a half round is stated then 1 minute 30 seconds of the respective round will define the half to determine under or over. Thus, 9.5 rounds would be one minute and thirty seconds of the 10th round. If the fight ends at exactly 1 minute 30 seconds of the 10th round then the result would be over 9.5 rounds

  5. “Winner & exact round” - Predict the round in which your selection will win the fight. Betting on the winner and exact round is for a fighter to win by KO, TKO or disqualification during that round. Where a boxer fails to answer the bell for the next round, his opponent shall be deemed to have won the contest in the previous round. In the event of a Technical Decision before the end of the fight all bets will be settled as a win by Decision and round bets will be deemed losers.

  6. “Winning Method” - Predict the method by which the result of the fight will be decided. All bets will be settled on the official result declared. A win by disqualification is counted as Knockout/Technical Knockout.

  7. “Any fighter to win inside the distance” - Predict if the fight will be decided before the scheduled number of rounds. In the event of a technical decision, for settlement purposes, the fight will have been deemed NOT to have gone the distance.

  1. Important

  2. All markets are settled according to the result available immediately after the end of the fight.

  3. Any subsequent appeals or amendments to the result are not taken into consideration for settlement purposes.

  4. Match Abandonments/Postponements

  5. If either fighter fails to answer the bell for the next round, then his opponent will be deemed to have won in the previous round.

  6. Should there be a withdrawal or a substitution of one of the boxers concerned, bets will be void.

  7. In the event of a fight being declared a ‘No Contest’ all bets will be void and stakes returned.

  8. Should the scheduled number of rounds be changed before the fight then all “Total Rounds”, “Round Betting” and “Method of Victory” bets will be made void.

Golf - Pre Match

  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “2 Balls” - Predict which player will shoot the lowest score in the listed round. If both players retire at the same hole, the market will be void. Market will be void if both competitors achieve the same score for the affected round. A player can be considered as a runner if he tees off on his first scheduled hole.

  3. “3 Balls” - Predict which player will shoot the lowest score in the listed round. Dead heat rules apply.

  4. “Outright Winner” - All outright bets are settled on the player awarded the trophy. The result of the playoffs is taken into account. Where a tournament is reduced from the scheduled number of holes for any reason (e.g., bad weather conditions) outright bets (except “First round leader” bets) placed prior to the final completed round will be settled on the player awarded the trophy.

  5. “Group Betting (Top XY)” - The winner will be the player achieving the highest placing at the end of the tournament. Dead-heat rules apply except where the winner is determined by a playoff. Special case: If we offer a group betting and only one competitor starts, bets will be void.

  6. “Finishing Position of a Named Player”- In the event of a tie for a finishing position the tied position will count. For example, a tie with 4 other players for 7th place will count as a finishing position of 7th.

  7. “End of Round Leader (e.g., First round – Winner)” - Settlement is based on the tournament score at the end of the specified round. Dead-heat rules apply.

  8. “Tournament Top 4/Top 5/Top 6/Top 10/Top 20 Finish” - Dead-heat rules apply.

  9. “To Win/Not to Win a Major” - The 4 majors are US Open, US Masters, USPGA and the British Open.

  1. Match Abandonments/Postponements

  2. A player is deemed to have played in a tournament or a specific round once they have teed off. If a player withdraws, retires, or is disqualified after having teed off, bets will stand.

  3. In tournaments affected by bad weather or other similar reasons, bets will be resulted on the official result regardless of the number of rounds played.

  4. If the tournament is abandoned, any bets placed after the last completed round will be void.

  5. Official tour site results at the time of trophy presentation are used for settlement purposes (subsequent disqualification after this time does not count).

  1. Groups Not Played As Listed

  2. In the event of any non-runners, 2 ball and 3 ball bets will be void.

Golf - Inplay

  1. Important

  2. In case of any delay (rain, darkness…) all undecided markets remain unsettled and the trading will be continued as soon as the round/tournament continues.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. Dead heat rule applies for 3 ball markets.

  3. If players are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  1. Market Specific Rules

  2. Round Markets

  • If a gold round is abandoned, any undecided bets will be voided. 

  1. Two Ball Markets

  • If both players retire on the same hole, the market will be void.

  • A player will be considered a runner if they tees off on their first hole.

  • Market will be void if both competitors achieve the same score for the affected round.

  1. Three Ball Markets

  • If both players retire on the same hole, the market will be void.

  • A player will be considered a runner if they tees off on their first hole.

  1. Competitor Markets

  • If the affected competitor retires, all undecided competitor markets will be void.

  1. Total Markets

  • IIf a player which is listed in the group retires, all undecided total markets will be void.

  1. “Hole” & “Hole a to b” markets

  • If a player which is listed in the group retires, all related and undecided “hole” and “hole a to b” markets will be void.

  1. Tournament/Event Markets

  • In tournaments affected by bad weather or other similar reasons, bets will be resulted on the official result regardless of the number of rounds played.

  1. Winner of Group

  • The winner of this market is the player with the lowest score of a certain group of players after the tournament is over. Only players that are part of the market belong to that group.

  • If there are two or more players inside that group that are tied for the lowest tournament score out of that group, dead heat settlement applies.

  1. Winner

  • Settled with the official winner of the entire tournament (including extra holes).

  • Bets on all listed players will stand once they have teed off.

  1. End of Round X

  • If there are two or more players tied for the lead after a round, dead heat settlement applies.

  • If a player does not a hit single shot in a tournament, he will be voided for all “End of round – leader” markets

  • If a player withdraws from the tournament he will be voided for all “End of round – leader” markets, as long as he has not played a shot in the respective round.

  • If there are two or more players tied for the lead after a round, dead heat settlement applies.

  • If a player does not a hit single shot in a tournament, he will be voided for all End of round – leader markets

  • If a player withdraws from the tournament he will be voided for all End of round – leader markets, as long as he has not played a shot in the respective round.

  • If the market is offered with 2 only two outcomes (e.g., Ryder Cup: Europe and USA), then the market will be voided in case of a tied score after a round is over.

  • In the match play format, a round is considered a session. For example, the first round of the Ryder Cup is over after the four group matches on in the morning have finished. A second session on the same day will be treated as a new round.


  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Who scores [Xth] point in set [y]” - if a set ends before the Xth point is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled).

  1. Important

  2. In the case of a match not being finished all undecided markets are considered void.

  3. ‘Golden set’ is not considered in any of the mentioned markets.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date, betting will be void.

  3. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. Official points deductions will be taken into account for all undetermined markets. Markets which have already been determined will not take deductions into account.

Winter Sports

  1. Abandonments/Postponements

  2. If a specific event is postponed or abandoned, then bets remain valid provided that the event is completed within 72 hours.


  1. Abandonments/Postponements

  2. If a specific event is postponed or abandoned, then bets remain valid provided that the event is completed within 72 hours.


  1. Abandonments/Postponements

  2. If a specific event is postponed or abandoned, then bets remain valid provided that the event is completed within 72 hours.

Aussie Rules

  1. Important

  2. All markets exclude overtime unless otherwise stated.

  3. If a match is interrupted and continued within 48h after initial kickoff, all open bets will be settled with the final result. Otherwise all undecided bets are considered void.

  4. Regular 80 Minutes: Markets are based on the result at the end of a scheduled 80 minutes play unless otherwise stated. This includes any added injury or stoppage time but does not include extra-time.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time (more than 2 minutes), we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after initial kick-off date betting will be void.

  4. If the team names or category are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.


  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Who scores [Xth] point in [Nth] set” - If a set ends before the Xth point is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled). 

  1. Important

  2. In the case of a match not being finished, all undecided markets are considered void.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date, betting will be void.

  3. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If a team retires all undecided markets are considered void.

  5. If the players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  6. Official points deductions will be taken into account for all undetermined markets. Markets which have already been determined will not take deductions into account.

Beach Volleyball

  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Who scores [Xth] point in set [y]” - if a set ends before the Xth point is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled).

  1. Important

  2. In the case of a match not being finished all undecided markets are considered void.

  3. ‘Golden set’ is not considered in any of the mentioned markets.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date, betting will be void.

  3. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If a team retires, all undecided markets are considered void.

  5. Official points deductions will be taken into account for all undetermined markets. Markets which have already been determined will not take deductions into account.


  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Xth set - which team wins race to x points” - If a set ends before the Xth point is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled).

  3. “Xth set - which team scores Xth point” - If a set ends before the xth point is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled).

  1. Important

  2. In case of a retirement and walk over of any player all undecided bets are considered void.

  3. If a match is interrupted and continued within 48h after initial start time, all open bets will be settled with the final result. Otherwise all undecided bets are considered void.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If the players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If a player retires all undecided markets are considered void.


  1. General Market Descriptions
  2. “Match winner (incl. super over)” - All match betting will be settled in accordance with official competition rules. In matches affected by adverse weather, bets will be settled according to the official result.

  1. Important

  2. All markets do not consider super overs unless otherwise mentioned

  3. 5-run penalties are not considered in any over or delivery market (markets for multiple overs are not considered for this rule).

  4. Twenty 20, ODI: a minimum of 90 % of the entire overs allocated for an innings must be played at the time the bet was struck for markets to be settled unless the innings has reached its natural conclusion.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If a match is cancelled before any play has taken place, then all markets are considered void unless the match is replayed within 48 hours of its initial starting time

  3. If the match is tied and the official competition rules do not determine a winner; or if the competition rules determine the winner by a coin toss or drawing of lots, then all undecided markets are considered void.

  4. In the event of an over not being completed, all undecided markets on this specific over are considered void unless the innings has reached its natural conclusion e.g. declaration, team all out, etc.

  5. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting


  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Winner” - If a Winner market version has been created that does not include the winner of the race, this market will be voided.

  3. “Top 3” - If a Top 3 market includes at least one of the cyclists that finish in the Top 3 of the race, the market will be settled accordingly. If none of the Top 3 finishers is included, the market will be voided.

  4. “Head to Head” - Markets will be voided if at least one of the two competitors does not participate at all in the race or if both cyclists do not finish the race.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. Unless otherwise stated in the market rules, the result at the time of the podium presentation will be considered valid for settlement purposes.

  3. If a cycling race is postponed to another day (to be determined within UTC timezone) all markets will be voided unless it takes place within 48 hours of its initial starting time at the same venue. If there is a route change for a postponed race, all markets will always be voided. If a race is postponed only by a few minutes or hours but still takes place on the same day, all markets will be settled accordingly.

  4. If a cycling race is neutralised and will not be started again, all undecided markets will be voided. If a H2H market has already been decided due to one cyclist dropping out of the race before the neutralisation, then the market will be settled accordingly.

  5. If a cyclist does not start a race at all, all bets on this cyclist will be voided.

  6. Two cyclists are only considered as ‘tied’ if they finish in the official race result at the exact same place. In this situation “Winner”, “Top 3” and “Winner of Group” markets might be settled with dead heat and H2H markets might be voided. For a better understanding, here are four examples:

  • A dead heat settlement with the factor of 0.5 for the “Winner” market will be applied, if two cyclists win a time trial with the exact same finishing time.

  • A dead heat settlement for the “Top 3” market will be applied, if one cyclist is the winner of a race, one cyclist finishes second and two cyclists finish 3rd place. Then, the winner and the 2nd place finisher will be settled as won while the two 3rd place finishers will be settled with a dead heat factor of 0.5.

  • If out of a certain group the three best cyclists finish on the same place, then these three cyclists will be settled with a dead heat factor of 0.33 for the respective “Winner of Group” market.

  • A H2H market will be voided if two cyclists finish a time trial with the exact same finishing time.


  1. Important

  2. In the case of a match not being finished all undecided markets are considered void.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If a match is not completed all undecided markets are considered void.

  4. Bullseye counts as red check out colour

Field Hockey

  1. Important

  2. All markets are considered for regular time unless otherwise mentioned.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date, betting will be void.

  3. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on prices, we reserve the right to void betting.


  1. Important

  2. All markets (except halftime, first half markets, overtime and penalty shoot out) are considered for regular time only.

  3. If a match is interrupted and continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date, all open bets will be settled with the final result. Otherwise all undecided bets are considered void.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If the market remains open when the following events have already taken place: 

goals, red or yellow-red cards and penalties;

We reserve the right to void betting.

  1. If the market was opened with a missing or incorrect red card, we reserve the right to void betting.

  2. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time (more than 2 minutes), we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If a wrong score is entered, all markets will be cancelled for the time when the incorrect score was displayed.

  4. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48 h after initial kick-off date betting will be void.

  5. If the team names or category are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.


  1. General Market Descriptions

  2. “Who scores [Xth] point in set [y]?” - If a set ends before the Xth point is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled).

  3. “Which team will win ‘race to x points’ (includes OT)?” - If a match ends before the Xth is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled).

  1. Important

  2. All markets (except “Who scores the Xth point” and “Which team will win race to X points”) are considered for regular time only.

  3. If the match goes to a 7-metre shootout; the markets “Who scores Xth point?” and “Which team will win race to X points?” will be voided.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after initial kick-off date, betting will be void. 

  3. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time (more than 3 minutes), we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting


  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date, betting will be void.

  3. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time, we reserve the right to void betting.


  1. Important

  2. All markets (except halftime, first half markets, overtime and penalty shoot out) are considered for regular time only.

  3. If a match is interrupted and continued within 48h after initial kick- off, all open bets will be settled with the final result. Otherwise all undecided bets are considered void.

  4. Regular 80 Minute Markets are based on the result at the end of a scheduled 80 minutes play unless otherwise stated. This includes any added injury or stoppage time but does not include extra-time, time allocated for a penalty shootout or sudden death.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If the market remains open when the following events have already taken place: score changes or red cards, we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If the market was opened with a missing or incorrect red card, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time (more than 2 minutes), we reserve the right to void betting.

  5. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date betting will be void.

  6. If the team names or category are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

Rugby Sevens

  1. Important

  2. All markets (except halftime, first half markets, overtime and penalty shoot out) are considered for regular time only.

  3. If a match is interrupted and continued within 48h after initial kickoff, all open bets will be settled with the final result. Otherwise, all undecided bets are considered void.

  4. ‘Regular 14/20 Minutes’ Markets are based on the result at the end of a scheduled 14 / 20 minutes play unless otherwise stated. This includes any added injury or stoppage time but does not include extra-time, time allocated for a penalty shootout or sudden death.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If the market remains open when the following events have already taken place:  score changes or red cards; We reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If the market was opened with a missing or incorrect red card, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If odds were offered with an incorrect match time (more than 1 minute), we reserve the right to void betting.

  5. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date, betting will be void.

  6. If the team names or categories are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.


  1. Important

  2. In the case of a retirement of a player or disqualification, all undecided markets are considered void.

  3. In case of a re-rack, settlement stays if the outcome was determined before the re-rack

  4. No fouls or free balls are considered for settlement of any Potted-Colour market.

  5. In case of a frame starting but not being completed, all frame related markets will be voided unless the outcome has already been determined

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If the players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If a match is not completed, all undecided markets are considered void.

  1. Squash

  2. General Market Descriptions

  3. “Who scores [Xth] point in set [y]?” - If a set ends before the Xth point is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled).

  4. Important

  5. In the case of a match not being finished, all undecided markets are considered void.

  1. Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  2. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date, betting will be void.

  3. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If the players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  5. If a player retires, forfeits the match, or is disqualified, all undecided markets are considered void.

  6. Official points deductions will be taken into account for all undetermined markets. Markets which have already been determined will not take deductions into account.

  7. If penalty point(s) are awarded by the umpire, all bets on that game will stand.

Table Tennis

General Market Descriptions

  1. Who scores [Xth] point in set [y]?” - If a set ends before the Xth point is reached, this market is considered void (cancelled).


  1. In the case of a match not being finished, all undecided markets are considered void.

Settlement and Cancellation Rules

  1. If a match is interrupted or postponed and is not continued within 48h after the initial kick-off date, betting will be void.

  2. If markets remain open with an incorrect score which has a significant impact on the prices, we reserve the right to void betting.

  3. If the players/teams are displayed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void betting.

  4. If a player retires, all undecided markets are considered void.

Esports Rules

Esports - General Rules

All esports markets are based on in-game score events or results at the end of a scheduled match/map. All settlements will occur using the official score and results, which are declared on the official video stream or the in-game stream of the relevant matches.

All match start dates and times displayed for Esports matches are for indication purposes only and are not guaranteed to be correct. Bets will stand if a match is offered with an incorrect date and/or time.

If a match is paused/postponed and not rescheduled to a later time within 24 hours of the actual scheduled start time, then all bets on that match will be voided. Should a match be postponed for exactly 24 hours, all bets will stand.

If the name of a player/team/tournament is misspelled, all bets will still stand unless it’s obvious that the misspelled name is the same as a different entity.

If a team name is changed due to a team leaving the organization, joining another organization, or due to an official change of team name, all bets will stand.

If the organizer of the event allows for stand-ins and there is an official result, all bets will be resulted as normal.

In the case where there is an overruling of a match result by the organizer due to unforeseen circumstances - such as cheating - all bets on that match will be voided. This rule is applicable within 72 hours from the end of the match, then we don't change the result of the tickets.

If a match has been declared as a walkover win by the tournament organizer, all bets will be void.

If one team retires during a match, only wagers on the completed individual maps will be resulted. Match market, match side markets, and all other undecided map markets will be voided. Bets placed on any following maps that will be completed will be resulted with the official results. However, any and all live offer will be suspended on this match and moved to a new match with a different match ID that will genuinely reflect the state of the match. The only exemption to this rule would be in this very situation: team A wins map 1 and proceeds to forfeit map 2. In this case, we would void all wagers on all undecided match and map 2 markets and continue our offer within map 3 of the match.

All markets consider overtime, unless stated otherwise in the market name.

If the match format is changed or differs from the one which is being offered, we reserve the right to void all bets.

If the fixture is listed incorrectly, we reserve the right to void all bets.

If a match is played before the scheduled start date / time, all bets placed after the actual start of the match will be refunded. All bets placed before the actual start of the match will stand.

If a match or map is replayed due to an organizer or technical issues, all affected markets will be voided, while the replayed matches or maps will be handled separately as a new match.

If a game on the map starts with less than ten players, all bets on that map will be voided.

Parlays cannot include multiple matches in which a single team participates.

League of Legends

General Rules

There are several types of markets in League of Legends, which will be resulted based on when they get settled during the match:

1. General Markets

· Resulted after the conclusion of the series.

2. Map Result Based Markets

· Resulted after the conclusion of map ‘X’.

3. Map Specific Markets

· Resulted during the map ‘X’, based on gameplay.

For cancelled matches all markets will be voided. For matches that have been started and then abandoned during the match, markets that has not reached their natural conclusion yet will be voided, rest markets will be resulted.

All markets on a postponed match will be treated as void if the event has been moved to more than 48 hours in the future. However, if it is less than 48 hours then Shuffle will update the start-time of the event and leave the markets open.

If a Map starts with fewer than 10 competitors, all bets on the Map will be void.

If a competitor disconnects in the first 10 minutes and is unable to reconnect or be replaced for the rest of the Map, all affected bets on that Map and Match will be voided. If a competitor disconnects or quits after the 10th minute of play of a Map that has started, bets have action according to the official result.

If a walkover or win by admin decision is given in the first 10 minutes of a Map, all undecided bets on that Map and Match will be voided. If a win by admin decision is awarded after the 10th minute of play of a Map has started, bets have action according to the official result.

General Markets

Player markets will be resolved based on internal data and are then confirmed with gol.gg:

If gol.gg data is corrupted or missing, all bets will be resolved via the video stream.

Should an execute appear, all bets will stand and will be resolved based on gol.gg.

In case of a chronobreak, prematch bets will be resolved based on the official results. Already placed live bets will be cancelled, and our live offer will resume under a new match ID, together with the rest of the markets. The new match ID will be resolved based on the official results.

Match Up Winner

This market is resulted based on which team won a specified number of maps in a series with a defined maximum map count. The following number of won maps result in a won series:

Bo1 series – 1 map

Bo2 series – 2 maps

Bo3 series – 2 maps

Bo5 series – 3 maps

N.B. This is a 2-way market, meaning that if Bo2 series is drawn, the market will be resulted as void.

Match Up Winner (3 way)

This market is exclusively used in a Bo2 series and is resulted at the end of the match based on the final map score of the series.

Match Up Handicap

The market is resulted based on the losing/winning margin of maps between the teams. While this market is generally resulted after the end of the maps that are relevant for each specific line, some lines do not have a definitive result before the end of the series and will be resulted after the conclusion of the series.

Below is a list of resulting rules when the Y is defined as:


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Not lose out by a three or higher map margin in a Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses by any map margin equal to or higher than three in a Bo5 series


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Not lose out by a two or higher map margin in a Bo3/Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses by any map margin equal to or higher than two in a Bo3/Bo5 series


Only used in a Bo2 series

Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win or draw the series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses the series.


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win by a three or higher map margin in a Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Fails to win by a map margin equal to or higher than three in a Bo5 series


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win by two or higher map margin in a Bo3/Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Fails to win by a map margin equal to or higher than two in a Bo3/Bo5 series


Only used in a Bo2 series

Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win the series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses or draws the series

Best of ‘X’ Correct Score

The market is resulted at the end of the match based on the series’ final map score.

Total Maps Played Over/Under

This market is resulted based on the number of maps played during the series. While this market is resulted after the end of maps that are relevant for the specific line of the market, some lines do not have a definitive result before the end of the series and will be resulted after the conclusion of the series.

Below is a list of resulting scenarios when the Y is defined as: exac


Resulted after the 4th map in a Bo5 series, based on whether there is going to be a 5th map


Resulted after the 3rd map in a Bo5 series, based on whether there is going to be a 4th map


Resulted after the 2nd map in a Bo3 series, based on whether there is going to be a 3rd map

Exact Match score what would be the final score of the Match, presented as “No. of Maps won by team A: No. of Maps won by team B”.

Team to Score a Quadra Kill Yes/No

The market is resulted at the end of the match. Quadra Kill counts when one player of any team scores 4 kills within 10 maximum seconds of each other.

The market is being offered for the whole match, not for a specific map, so when a player from any team scores a Quadra Kill, so the selection for the team will be closed and removed from offering until the end of the match.

Team to Score a Penta Kill Yes/No

The market is resulted at the end of the match. Penta Kill counts when one player of any team scores 5th kill after scoring a Quadra kill within 30 seconds timer. It means that when a player from any team scores a Penta Kill, he scores a Quadra Kill as well.

The market is being offered for the whole match, not for a specific map, so when a team scores a Penta Kill, so the selection for the team, together with selection of Quadra Kill for the team, will be closed and removed from offering until the end of the match.

Map Result Based Markets

All the following markets are resulted after the end of the specified map, based on the results available in-game, on the official video stream, feed or post-game statistics.

Map ‘X’ Winner

The market is resulted based on which team won map ‘X’, which is defined by which team’s Nexus is destroyed/explodes first. Losing team is the one who’s Nexus is destroyed/explodes first.

Map ‘X’ Team to Score the Most Kills

The market is resulted based on which team scores most kills during map ‘X’.

Team 'X' to win at least 1 Map yes/no The market is resulted whether a certain team wins at least one Map in a particular Match.

Map ‘x’ Team to Score the Most Kills Handicap

The market is resulted based on whether handicap’s specific index (e.g., 6.5) is higher or lower than the relevant difference between both team’s kills during map ‘X’.

Map ‘X’ Total Kills Odd/Even

The market is resulted based on whether the total amount of kills scored was either an odd or an even number.

Map 'X' Kill Handicap

The market is resulted depending on which team (Dark or Light) has more kills after the deduction of the handicap from that particular team’s final Map score.

Map Nth Kill

The market is decided by the team that makes a kill forcing the sum of the total kills for both teams to be equal to 'X'.

Map ‘X’ Both Teams to Slay a Dragon Yes/No

The market is resulted based on post-map statistics. ‘Yes’ selection counts when both teams have slayed at least 1 dragon each.

Map 'X' First To Reach X Kills

The market is resulted by by which team reaches a certain number of kills first.

Map ‘X’ Both Teams to Slay a Baron Yes/No

The market is resulted based on post-map statistics. ‘Yes’ selection counts when both teams have slayed at least 1 baron each.

Map ‘X’ Both Teams to Destroy an Inhibitor Yes/No

The market is resulted based on post-map statistics. ‘Yes’ selection counts when both teams have destroyed at least 1 opponent’s inhibitor each.

Map ‘X’ Total Kills Scored Over/Under

The market is resulted based on whether the total amount of kills scored was over or under specific index (e.g., Over/Under 25.5).

Map ‘X’ Total Towers Destroyed Over/Under

The market is resulted based on whether the total amount of towers destroyed was over or under specific index (e.g., Over/Under 12.5).

Map ‘X’ Total Dragons Slain Over/Under

The market is resulted based on whether the total amount of Dragons slain was over or under specific index (e.g., Over/Under 4.5), including both Elemental (Infernal, Mountain, Ocean, Cloud) Dragons and Elder Dragon.

Map ‘X’ Total Barons Slain Over/Under

The market is resulted based on whether the total amount of Barons slain was over or under specific index (e.g., Over/Under 1.5).

Map ‘X’ Total Inhibitors Destroyed Over/Under

The market is resulted based on whether the total amount of Inhibitors destroyed was over or under specific index (e.g., Over/Under 1.5).

N.B. Inhibitors in League of Legends are unique structures, which respawn after 5 minutes of being destroyed. However, each inhibitor counts only 1 time when resulting the market, it means that if the same inhibitor was destroyed multiple times per map, it still counts as 1 inhibitor destroyed.

Map ‘X’ Game Time Over/Under

The market is resulted based on whether the map ‘X’ duration was over or under specific index (e.g., Over/Under 32.00) Map duration is exclusively based on the in-game clock’s final reading.

Please note that it might not necessarily reflect how long it took from the beginning of the map until the end, as it does not factor in the pause and pick/ban phase. If the game time is identical to the index (e.g., within the same second: 32:00) then the market is resulted as ‘Void’.

Map ‘X’ Total Turrets Destroyed

The market is resulted based on the exact total amount of towers destroyed during the map ‘X’.

There are 9 possible selections for the market:

· ‘Up to Nine’

· ‘Ten’

· ‘Eleven’

· ‘Twelve’

· ‘Thirteen’

· ‘Fourteen’

· ‘Fifteen’

· ‘Sixteen’

· ‘Seventeen or More’

Map ‘X’ Total Dragons Slain

The market is resulted based on the exact total amount of dragons slain during the map ‘X’, including both Elemental (Infernal, Mountain, Ocean, Cloud) Dragons and Elder Dragon.

There are 6 possible selections for the market:

· ‘Up to Two’

· ‘Three’

· ‘Four’

· ‘Five’

· ‘Six’

· ‘Seven or More’

Map ‘X’ Total Barons Slain

The market is resulted based on the exact total amount of barons slain during the map ‘X’.

There are 5 possible selections for the market:

· ‘Zero’

· ‘One’

· ‘Two’

· ‘Three’

· ‘Four or More’

Map ‘X’ Total Inhibitors Destroyed

The market is resulted based on the exact total amount of inhibitors destroyed during the map ‘X’.

There are 4 possible selections for the market:

· ‘One’

· ‘Two’

· ‘Three’

· ‘Four or More’

N.B. Inhibitors in League of Legends are unique structures, which respawn after 5 minutes of being destroyed. However, each inhibitor counts only 1 time when resulting the market, it means that if the same inhibitor was destroyed multiple times per map, it still counts as 1 inhibitor destroyed.

Map Specific Markets

All the following markets are resulted during the gameplay of the specified map, based on the quickest reliable video stream or feed available. When the result remains unclear from the video stream or feed, then the result will be based on the post-game statistics. While we aim to result these markets as soon as possible, it might not always be possible (when there is a significant delay in the stream), in which case they will be resulted shortly after the map has concluded.

Map ‘X’ Team to Draw First Blood

The market is resulted when any team got a kill first in map ‘X’. If neither team draw first blood during map ‘X’, then the market is resulted as ‘Void’.

Map ‘X’ Team to Destroy the First Tower

The market is resulted when any team destroys the first tower in map ‘X’. If neither team destroys the first tower during map ‘X’, then the market is resulted as ‘Void’.

Map ‘X’ Team to Slay the ‘Y’ Dragon

The market is resulted when any team slays the ‘Y’ dragon in map ‘X’. If neither team slays the ‘Y’ dragon during map ‘X’, then the market is resulted as ‘Void’. Usually, first 3 or 4 dragons are being offered for each map.

Map 'X' Dragon soul type

The market is resulted by which type of third spawned dragon since the start of the Map.

Map 'X' Map Certain type of dragon kill.

The market is resulted based upon whether a dragon of a certain type will be slayed at least once in a certain Map.

Map ‘X’ Team to Slay the First Baron

The market is resulted when any team slays the first baron in map ‘X’. If neither team slays the first baron during map ‘X’, then the market is resulted as ‘Void’.

Map ‘X’ Team to Destroy the First Inhibitor

The market is resulted when any team destroys the first inhibitor in map ‘X’. If neither team destroys the first inhibitor during map ‘X’, then the market is resulted as ‘Void’.

Map ‘X’ Race to 5 Kills

The market is resulted when any team first scores 5 kills in map ‘X’. If neither team scores 5 kills during map ‘X’, then the market is resulted as ‘Void’.

Map ‘X’ Race to 10 Kills

The market is resulted when any team first scores 10 kills in map ‘X’. If neither team scores 10 kills during map ‘X’, then the market is resulted as ‘Void’.

Map ‘X’ Race to 15 Kills

The market is resulted when any team first scores 15 kills in map ‘X’. If neither team scores 15 kills during map ‘X’, then the market is resulted as ‘Void’.

Map ‘X’ Race to 20 Kills

The market is resulted when any team first scores 20 kills in map ‘X’. If neither team scores 20 kills during map ‘X’, then the market is resulted as ‘Void’.

Counter-Strike 2

There are several types of markets in Counter-Strike , which will be resulted based on when they get settled during the match:

General Markets

Resulted after the conclusion of the series.

Map Result Based Markets

Resulted after the conclusion of map ‘X’.

Map Specific Markets

Resulted during the map ‘X’, based on gameplay.

All markets on a postponed match will be treated as void if the event has been moved to more than 48 hours in the future. However, if it is less than 48 hours then Shuffle will update the start-time of the event and leave the markets open.

In case of technical issues, there can be occurrences where the first round could get re-played. In these situations, the result of the re-played round will overwrite the initial result of the first round.

If a team changes more than 2 players, it is not considered the same team anymore and all bets will be voided (assuming that this change was not known the match was priced up).

If one of the players disconnects and is unable to reconnect or be replaced for the rest of the Map, both teams decide to continue 4v5, and they play at least 3 rounds. All affected bets on that Map, Match, and match side markets will be voided.

If a team retires, receives a win by admin decision, or is disqualified before all scheduled rounds of a Map are played, all undecided bets on that Map and Match will be voided.

Rounds 1-12 constitute the first half of CS2 Maps.

In the case of a round restart, all bets will stand. All markets will be resolved based on the official score.

General Markets

All the following markets are definitively resulted after the conclusion of the series, based on the results available in-game, on the official video stream, feed or post-game statistics.

Match Up Winner

This market is resulted based on which team won a specified number of maps in a series with a defined maximum map count. The following number of won maps result in a won series:

Bo1 series – 1 map

Bo2 series – 2 maps

Bo3 series – 2 maps

Bo5 series – 3 maps

N.B. This is a 2-way market, meaning that if Bo2 series is drawn, the market will be resulted as void.

Match Up Winner (3 way)

This market is used in a Bo2 series and in a Bo1 series where no overtime is played. It is resulted at the end of the match based on the final map score of the series.

Match Up Handicap

The market is resulted based on the losing/winning margin of maps between the teams. While this market is generally resulted after the end of the maps that are relevant for each specific line, some lines do not have a definitive result before the end of the series and will be resulted after the conclusion of the series.

Below is a list of resulting rules when the Y is defined as:


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Not lose out by a three or higher map margin in a Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses by any map margin equal to or higher than three in a Bo5 series


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Not lose out by a two or higher map margin in a Bo3/Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses by any map margin equal to or higher than two in a Bo3/Bo5 series


Only used in a Bo2 series

Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win or draw the series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses the series.


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win by a three or higher map margin in a Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Fails to win by a map margin equal to or higher than three in a Bo5 series


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win by two or higher map margin in a Bo3/Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Fails to win by a map margin equal to or higher than two in a Bo3/Bo5 series


Only used in a Bo2 series

Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win the series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses or draws the series

Best of ‘X’ Correct Score

The market is resulted at the end of the match based on the series’ final map score.

Total Maps Played Over/Under

This market is resulted based on the number of maps played during the series. While this market is resulted after the end of maps that are relevant for the specific line of the market, some lines do not have a definitive result before the end of the series and will be resulted after the conclusion of the series.

Below is a list of resulting scenarios when the Y is defined as:


Resulted after the 4th map in a Bo5 series, based on whether there is going to be a 5th map


Resulted after the 3rd map in a Bo5 series, based on whether there is going to be a 4th map


Resulted after the 2nd map in a Bo3 series, based on whether there is going to be a 3rd map

Map Result Based Markets

All the following markets are resulted after the end of the specified map, based on the results available in-game, on the official video stream, feed or post-game statistics.

Number of Maps Parity

The following market is resulted based on whether the final count of maps in a certain Match is an odd or even number.

Map ‘X’ Winner

The market is resulted based on which team won map ‘X’, which is defined by winning 16 rounds during regulation (Bo24). If map ends with a 12-12 draw an overtime could be played. To win a map on overtime team needs to win 4 rounds. If an overtime ends with a 3-3 draw, next overtime will be played. This market is resulted including Overtime.

Map 'X' winner 3-way

The market is resulted based on which team (Terrorists / Counter-terrorists) reaches a score of 13 Rounds first or both teams score 12 Rounds and Map is concluded as a draw.

Map ‘X’ Rounds Handicap

The market is resulted based on whether handicap’s specific index (e.g., 7.5) is higher or lower than the relevant difference between both team’s total rounds during map ‘X’. This market is resulted including Overtime.

Map ‘X’ Total Number of Rounds

The market is resulted based on whether the total amount of rounds was either higher or lower than the specific index (e.g., Over/Under 21.5). This market is resulted including Overtime.

Map ‘X’ Overtime

This market is resulted based on total number of rounds played. If 25 or more rounds are played during a map then “Yes” is the winning selection, if 24 or less, then “No”.

Map Specific Markets

All the following markets are resulted during the gameplay of the specified map, based on the quickest reliable video stream or feed available. When the result remains unclear from the video stream or feed, then the result will be based osn the post-game statistics. While we aim to result these markets as soon as possible, it might not always be possible (when there is a significant delay in the stream), in which case they will be resulted shortly after the map has concluded.

Total Maps played over/under

The market is resulted whether the count of Maps played in a certain Match is over or under a certain figure. Number 2.5 is used for Bo3, while numbers 3.5 and 4.5 are used for Bo5.

Map 'X' Correct Round score

The market is resulted what would be the final score of the Map, presented as “No. of Rounds won by team A: No. of Rounds won by team B”.

Map 'X' First half winner

The market is resulted depending on which team (Terrorists / Counter-terrorists) has a higher number of won Rounds after the first 6 Rounds.

Map 'X' Second half winner

The market is resulted depending which team (Terrorists / Counter-terrorists) has a higher number of won Rounds after the first 6 Rounds and before the Map is concluded as a draw or won by one team.

Map ‘X’ 1st Pistol Round Winner

The market is resulted at the end of the 2nd round. The market is resulted based on which team won the 1st round.

Map ‘X’ 2nd Pistol Round Winner

The market is resulted at the end of the 13th round. The market is resulted based on which team won the 13th round.

Round 'X' winner

The market is resulted depending on which team (Terrorists / Counter-terrorists) win Round X.

Map ‘X’ Race to 3 rounds

The market is resulted when either of teams first scores 3 rounds in map ‘X’.

Map ‘X’ Race to 6 rounds

The market is resulted when either or teams first scores 6 rounds in map ‘X’.

Map ‘X’ Race to 9 rounds

The market is resulted when either of teams first scores 9 rounds in map ‘X’.

Dota 2

There are several types of markets in Dota2, based on when they get settled during the match:

1. General markets

Resulted after the conclusion of the series.

2. Map result based markets

Resulted after the conclusion of map X.

3. Map specific markets

Resulted during map X, based on gameplay.

All markets on a postponed match will be resulted as void if the event has been moved to more than 48 hours in the future. However, if it is less than 48 hours then Shuffle will update the start-time of the event and leave the markets open.

In case of a server crash, a map of a series can be remade from scratch. In such cases, all the markets that were settled based on the gameplay prior to the remake will remain settled based on that, while the rest of the unsettled markets will be resulted based on the remade gameplay. In such cases, the clients will be provided with a list of all the affected markets and a timeframe when the prices of these markets were based on the pre-remake state of the game. This allows the clients to void bets taken on the affected markets in this timeframe.

General Markets

Player markets will be resolved based on internal data and are then confirmed with dotabuff:

If dotabuff data is corrupted or missing, all bets will be resolved via the video stream.

In case of a deny, all bets will stand and will be resolved based on dotabuff.

In case of a split kill where multiple heroes deal damage to a hero, and this hero is finished via a neutral creep or a tower, the kill is omitted from the official results and will not be counted towards the player markets.

In case the match is abandoned before the completion of the series, then each of the following markets have special resulting scenarios based on the pre-abandoned state of the series, as defined below.

Match Up Winner

This market is resulted based on which team won a specified number of maps in a series with a defined maximum map count. The following number of won maps result in a won series:

Bo1 series – 1 map

Bo2 series – 2 maps

Bo3 series – 2 maps

Bo5 series – 3 maps

Bo7 series – 4 maps

Bo9 series – 5 maps

Please note that this is a 2-way market, meaning that if the series is drawn, the market will be resulted as void.

If the match is abandoned before the completion of the whole series (for example in a Bo3, when map 1 is played out but map 2 or 3 are forfeit), then the market will be resulted as void.

Match Up Winner (3Way)

This market is exclusively used in a Bo2 series and is resulted based on the final map score of the series.

If the match is abandoned before the completion of the whole series, then the market will be resulted as void.

Match Up Handicap Y

The market is resulted based on the losing/winning margin of maps between the teams. While this market is generally resulted after the end of the maps that are relevant for each Y line, some lines do not have a definitive result before the end of the series and will be resulted after the conclusion of the series.

If the match is abandoned before the completion of the whole series, then the undetermined Y lines will be resulted as void, while the ones that already have a determined result will be resulted normally.

Below is a list of resulting rules when the Y is defined as:


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Not lose out by a three or higher map margin in a Bo5/Bo7/Bo9 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses by any map margin equal to or higher than three in a Bo5/Bo7/Bo9 series


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Not lose out by a two or higher map margin in a Bo3/Bo5/Bo7/Bo9 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses by any map margin equal to or higher than two in a Bo5/Bo7/Bo9 series


Only used in a Bo2 series

Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win or draw the series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses the series.


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win by a three or higher map margin in a Bo5/Bo7/Bo9 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Fails to win by a map margin equal to or higher than three in a Bo5/Bo7/Bo9 series


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win by two or higher map margin in a Bo3/Bo5/Bo7/Bo9 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Fails to win by a map margin equal to or higher than two in a Bo3/Bo5/Bo7/Bo9 series


Only used in a Bo2 series

Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win the series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses or draws the series

Total Maps Played Over/Under Y

This market is resulted based on the number of maps played during the series. While this market is resulted after the end of maps that are relevant for the Y line of the market, some lines do not have a definitive result before the end of the series and will be resulted after the conclusion of the series.

If the match is abandoned before the completion of the whole series, then the undetermined Y lines will be resulted as void, while the ones that already have a determined result will be resulted normally.

Below is a list of resulting scenarios when the Y is defined as:


Resulted after the 8th map in a Bo9 series, based on whether there is going to be a 9th map


Resulted after the 7th map in a Bo9 series, based on whether there is going to be an 8th map


Resulted after the 6th map in a Bo9/Bo7 series, based on whether there is going to be a 7th map


Resulted after the 5th map in a Bo9/Bo7 series, based on whether there is going to be a 6th map


Resulted after the 4th map in a Bo7/Bo5 series, based on whether there is going to be a 5th map


Resulted after the 3rd map in a Bo5 series, based on whether there is going to be a 4th map


Resulted after the 2nd map in a Bo3 series, based on whether there is going to be a 3rd map

Best of ‘X’ Correct Score

This market is resulted based on the series’ final map score.

If the match is abandoned before the completion of the whole series, then the market will be resulted as void.

Team to Score an Ultra Kill

This market is resulted based on whether a player for the specified team was able to kill four enemy heroes in a sequence where no more than 17 seconds has elapsed from the previous kill. If a kill occurs more than 17 seconds after the previous kill, the kill spree is reset. This market is resulted based on the stream and will be resulted at the end of the series, as opposed to when the event occurs. In case no Ultra kill occurs, the selections are resulted as lost.

Team to Score a Rampage

This market is resulted based on whether a player for the specified team was able to kill five enemy heroes in a sequence where no more than 17 seconds has elapsed since the previous kill. If a kill occurs more than 17 seconds after the previous kill, the kill spree is reset. This market is resulted based on the stream and will be resulted at the end of the series, as opposed to when the event occurs. In case no Rampage occurs, the selections are resulted as lost.

Team to Score an Beyond Godlike

The market is resulted based on whether at least one player, from the Dark or Light teams, has scored 10 or more kills without dying and this event is announced in game. Team to achieve Megacreeps This market is resulted based on whether all Dark or Light barracks are destroyed and this event is announced in game.

Map Result Based Markets

All the following markets are resulted after the end of the specified map, based on the results available in-game, or fetched from valve servers by a reliable 3rd party site (dotabuff.com or opendota.com). If neither one of these sources is available, then the markets will be resulted based on the official stream/ VOD.

All the following markets are resulted as void if the map has been abandoned or did not take place.

Map ‘X’ Winner

This market is resulted based on which team won map X, which in turn is defined by which team’s Ancient is destroyed/ explodes first. Losing team is the one who’s Ancient explodes first.

Please note that this market is resulted in real-time, based on the information available from Valve servers and as such, will often be resulted prior to the completion of the map in live streams/feeds, as they often feature a significant delay ranging anywhere between 10 seconds to 20 minutes. Team 'X' to win at least 1 Map yes/no The market is resulted based on whether a certain team wins at least one Map in a particular Match.

Map X Team to Score the Most Kills

This market is resulted based on which team got most kills during map X.

Kill count includes kills by team’s structures and creeps under its control. Denies do not count as kills for either team.

Map Nth Kill

The market is resulted by the team that makes a kill, forcing the sum of the total kills for both teams to be equal to X.

Map X Team to Score the Most Kills Handicap Y

This market is resulted based on whether the indicated handicap Y is higher/ lower than the relevant difference between both team’s kills during map X.

Map X Total Kills Parity

The market is resulted based on whether the final count of kills (Based on the visible in-game score, which is the sum of the Dark and Light kills) in a certain Map is an odd or even number.

Map X Total Kills Odd/Even

This market is resulted based on whether the total amount of kills during map X (team A kills + team B kills) is either an odd or an even number.

Map ‘X’ Total Kills Scored Over/Under Y

This market is resulted based on whether the total amount of kills during map X (team A kills + team B kills) was over or under Y.

Map ‘X’ Total Towers Destroyed Over/Under Y

This market is resulted based on whether the total amount of towers destroyed during map X (team A lost towers + team B lost towers) was over or under Y.

Map ‘X’ Total Roshans Slain Over/Under Y

This market is resulted based on whether the total amount of Roshans slain during map X was over or under Y.

Map ‘X’ Game Time Over/Under Y

This market is resulted based on whether the map X duration was over or under Y minutes. Game duration is exclusively based on the in-game clock’s final reading.

Please note that it might not necessarily reflect how long it took from the beginning of the map until the end, as it does not factor in the pause and draft time. If the game time is identical to Y (ie, within the same second: 37:00, 38:00, etc) then the market is resulted as void.

Map X Total Roshans Slain

This market is resulted based on how many Roshans were slain during the specified map.

Map Specific Markets

All the following markets are resulted during the gameplay of the specified map, based on the quickest reliable video stream available. When the result remains unclear from the video stream/feed, then the result will be based on the in-game combat log. While we aim to result these markets as soon as possible, it might not always be possible (in case the events do not occur, or when there is a significant delay in the stream or dotaTV), in which case they will be resulted shortly after the map has concluded.

Map X Team to Score the First Kill

This market is resulted based on which team got a kill first.

Please note that this market is not the same as the First Blood market, for it is not limited to player kills, but whenever a team structure, lane creep, or any other creep controlled by the team gets the first kill, it counts as a kill for that team.

Heroes dying to or denying themselves to neutral creeps do not count as kills for either team.

If neither team gets a kill during map X, then the market is resulted as void.

Map X Team to Destroy the First Tower

This market is resulted based on which team destroys the opponents tower first.

Please note that if a team denies a tower or the tower is destroyed by creeps of any kind, it still counts as destroyed by the opposite team.

If neither team destroys a tower during map X, then the market is resulted as void.

Map X Team to Destroy the First Barracks

This market is resulted based on which team destroys the opponents barracks first. Note that if a team denies the barracks or a barracks is destroyed by creeps of any kind, it still counts as destroyed by the opposite team.

Both Ranged and Melee barracks are considered a single structure thus destroying either one of them counts toward this market.

If neither team destroys any barracks during map X, then the market is resulted as void.

Map X First Aegis

The market is resulted based on which team which picks-up the first aegis.

Map X Team to Slay the First Roshan

This market is resulted based on which team gets the last hit on the first Roshan. Please note that who picks up or steals the Aegis bears no significance whatsoever.

If neither team kills Roshan during map X, then the market is resulted as void.

Map ‘X’ Race to Y Kills

This market is resulted based on which team reaches Y number of kills first.

If neither team reaches Y kills during map X, then the market is resulted as void.


There are several types of markets in Valorant, which will be resulted based on when they get settled during the match:

1. General Markets

Resulted after the conclusion of the series.

2. Map Result Based Markets

Resulted after the conclusion of map ‘X’.

3. Map Specific Markets

Resulted during the map ‘X’, based on gameplay.

For cancelled matches all markets will be voided. For matches that have been started and then abandoned during the match, markets that has not reached their natural conclusion yet will be voided, rest markets will be resulted.

All markets on a postponed match will be treated as void if the event has been moved to more than 48 hours in the future. However, if it is less than 48 hours then Shuffle will update the start-time of the event and leave the markets open.

In case of technical issues, there can be occurrences where the first round could get re-played. In these situations, the result of the re-played round will overwrite the initial result of the first round.

If a team changes more than 2 players, it is not considered the same team anymore and all bets will be voided (assuming that this change was not known the match was priced up).

General Markets

All the following markets are definitively resulted after the conclusion of the series, based on the results available in-game, on the official video stream, feed or post-game statistics.

Match Up Winner

This market is resulted based on which team won a specified number of maps in a series with a defined maximum map count. The following number of won maps result in a won series:

Bo1 series – 1 map

Bo2 series – 2 maps

Bo3 series – 2 maps

Bo5 series – 3 maps

N.B. This is a 2-way market, meaning that if Bo2 series is drawn, the market will be resulted as void.

Match Up Winner (3 way)

This market is used in a Bo2 series and in a Bo1 series where no overtime is played. It is resulted at the end of the match based on the final map score of the series.

Match Up Handicap

The market is resulted based on the losing/winning margin of maps between the teams. While this market is generally resulted after the end of the maps that are relevant for each specific line, some lines do not have a definitive result before the end of the series and will be resulted after the conclusion of the series.

Below is a list of resulting rules when the Y is defined as:


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Not lose out by a three or higher map margin in a Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses by any map margin equal to or higher than three in a Bo5 series


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Not lose out by a two or higher map margin in a Bo3/Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses by any map margin equal to or higher than two in a Bo3/Bo5 series


Only used in a Bo2 series

Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win or draw the series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses the series.


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win by a three or higher map margin in a Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Fails to win by a map margin equal to or higher than three in a Bo5 series


Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win by two or higher map margin in a Bo3/Bo5 series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Fails to win by a map margin equal to or higher than two in a Bo3/Bo5 series


Only used in a Bo2 series

Resulted as won if the team this line refers to is able to

Win the series

Resulted as lost if the team this line refers to

Loses or draws the series

Best of ‘X’ Correct Score

The market is resulted at the end of the match based on the series’ final map score.

Total Maps Played Over/Under

This market is resulted based on the number of maps played during the series. While this market is resulted after the end of maps that are relevant for the specific line of the market, some lines do not have a definitive result before the end of the series and will be resulted after the conclusion of the series.

Below is a list of resulting scenarios when the Y is defined as:


Resulted after the 4th map in a Bo5 series, based on whether there is going to be a 5th map


Resulted after the 3rd map in a Bo5 series, based on whether there is going to be a 4th map


Resulted after the 2nd map in a Bo3 series, based on whether there is going to be a 3rd map

Map Result Based Markets

All the following markets are resulted after the end of the specified map, based on the results available in-game, on the official video stream, feed or post-game statistics.

Map ‘X’ Winner

The market is resulted based on which team won map ‘X’, which is defined by winning 13 rounds during regulation (Bo24). If map ends with a 12-12 draw an overtime could be played. To win a map on overtime teams will alternate playing rounds on attack and defence until a team claims victory by being up by 2 rounds. This market is resulted including Overtime.

Map ‘X’ Rounds Handicap

The market is resulted based on whether handicap’s specific index (e.g., 7.5) is higher or lower than the relevant difference between both team’s total rounds during map ‘X’. This market is resulted including Overtime.

Map ‘X’ Total Number of Rounds

The market is resulted based on whether the total amount of rounds was either higher or lower than the specific index (e.g., Over/Under 22.5). This market is resulted including Overtime.

Map ‘X’ Overtime

This market is resulted based on total number of rounds played. If 25 or more rounds are played during a map then “Yes” is the winning selection, if 24 or less, then “No”.

Map Specific Markets

All the following markets are resulted during the gameplay of the specified map, based on the quickest reliable video stream or feed available. When the result remains unclear from the video stream or feed, then the result will be based on the post-game statistics. While we aim to result these markets as soon as possible, it might not always be possible (when there is a significant delay in the stream), in which case they will be resulted shortly after the map has concluded.

Map ‘X’ 1st Pistol Round Winner

The market is resulted at the end of the 2nd round. The market is resulted based on which team won the 1st round.

Map ‘X’ 2nd Pistol Round Winner

The market is resulted at the end of the 17th round. The market is resulted based on which team won the 16th round.

Map ‘X’ Race to 3 rounds

The market is resulted when either of teams first scores 3 rounds in map ‘X’.

Map ‘X’ Race to 6 rounds

The market is resulted when either or teams first scores 6 rounds in map ‘X’.

Map ‘X’ Race to 9 rounds

The market is resulted when either of teams first scores 9 rounds in map ‘X’.


All markets on a postponed match will be voided if the event has been moved to more than 48 hours in the future. However, if it is less than 48 hours then Shuffle will update the start-time of the event and leave the markets open.

If any result has already been sent from our side this can’t be undone. In case a mistake is committed, we will inform as soon as possible through a message board with the correct results for you to correct results at your end.

General Markets

Match Up Winner (3 way)

This market is resulted at the end of the match based on the Full-Time score. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 Next Team To Score

This market is resulted after a goal is scored and then we proceed to open the next goal until the minute 85 of game play. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 Total Goals Over/Under ‘X’

This market is resulted as soon as over X number of goals have been scored or at the end of the match. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 Asian Handicap

This market is resulted at the end of the match based on the Full-Time score. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 Both Teams to Score

This market is resulted at the end of the match based on the Full-Time score. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 Double Chance

This 3 way market has two winner options and a losing one. This market is resulted at the end of the match based on the Full-Time score. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 Draw No Bet

This market is resulted at the end of the match based on the Full-Time score. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

· Match ended in draw

Game 1 Team X Total Goals Over/Under X

This market is resulted after team X scores over X number of goals or at the end of the match. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 Handicap 3-way -1

This market is resulted at the end of the match based on the Full-Time score. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 First Half Handicap 2 way -0.5

This market is resulted at the end of the first half based on the first half result. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played before the first half is over

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 First Half Handicap 3-way -1

This market is resulted at the end of the first half based on the first half result. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played before the first half is over

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 First Half Result

This market is resulted at the end of the first half based on the first half result. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played before the first half is over

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

Game 1 First Half Total Goals Over/Under X

This market is resulted after X number of goals have been scored in the first half. This market can be voided when:

· Match is abandoned / Not played before the first half is over

· Match was incorrectly covered (With incorrect prices or teams)

NBA 2k All markets on a postponed match will be voided if the event has been moved to more than 48 hours in the future. However, if it is less than 48 hours then Shuffle will update the start-time of the event and leave the markets open.

Match Winner 3-way

The market is resulted based on the team (Home / Away) which scores the most goals wins the Match or if both teams score the same number of goals in the set time, then the Match is concluded as a draw.

Match Winner No Draw

The team (Home / Away) which gets the most points wins the Match. If both teams get the same number of points in the set time, then the Match is concluded as a draw; in this case, the market is cancelled and all bets should be voided.

Match First Half Winner 3-way

The market is resulted based on the team (Home / Away) which scores the most goals in the first period wins the first period or if both teams score the same number of goals in the first period, then the market is concluded as a draw.

Match Total Goals

The market is resulted based on whether the final count of goals scored in a certain Match is over or under a certain figure.

Match First Half Total Goals

The market is based on whether the final count of goals scored in the first period of a certain Match is over or under a certain figure.

Match Total Goals Parity

The market is based on whether the final count of goals scored in a certain Match is an odd or even number.

Match First Half Total Goals Parity

The market is based on whether the final count of goals scored in the first period of a certain Match is odd or even number.

Match Winner Double Chance

The market is based on the match winner market that combines two possible outcomes into one bet (home/draw, away/draw, home/away)

Match First Half Winner Double Chance

The market is resulted based on the match first half winner market that combines two possible outcomes into one bet (home/draw, away/draw, home/away)


Match Winner Draw no bet

The market is resulted based on the team (Home / Away) which gets the most runs wins the Match. If both teams get the same number of runs in the set time, then the Match is concluded as a draw; in this case, the market is canceled and all bets should be voided.

Match team total runs

The market is resulted based on  whether the final count of runs scored in a certain Match by a certain team  is over or under a certain figure.

Match total runs parity

The market is resulted whether the final count of runs scored in a certain Match is an odd or even number.

Match total runs

The market is resulted whether the final count of runs scored in a certain Match is over or under a certain figure.

Match toss winner

The market is resulted based on which team wins the Coin Toss in the beginning of the match.


General rules - outrights

  1. Outright markets will be resolved based on the official tournament results.

  2. In case of a team change, we reserve the right to void all bets and resume the outright market’s coverage under a new version.

  3. If the tournament is postponed, we reserve the right to void all bets

  4. If the tournament is cancelled, all bets will be voided

Player markets

General rules - player markets

  1. In case of a player substitute, all affected player markets will be voided.


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